Analytics - METRC Out Of Sync Reports

Updated by NIr Malchy

Use the reports below to know what is out of sync and resolve it.

The Metrc Out of Sync report is an overall view that will make it easier for you to act and get our help if needed. The Orders Out of Sync Detail (Metrc) report focuses on retail orders that must be in sync.

  • Use the tiles for quick access to the data you need.
  • Subscribe to the reports to stay on top of METRC Sync.

Metrc Out of Sync

Find this report at Analytics/Reports/Integrations - Metrc Out of Sync.

Use this report to see Out of Sync Orders, Items, Packages, and Areas in METRC integrated facilities.

  • Orders
  • Items
  • Packages
  • Areas
  • Plants

Orders Out of Sync Detail (Metrc)

Find this report at:

Analytics/Reports/Integrations - Orders Out of Sync Detail (Metrc).

Use this report to see and resolve orders that are out of sync.

Schedule Delivery

  1. Go to the report.
  2. Click the three dots at the top right of the report.
  3. Select Schedule Delivery.
  4. Fill in the information in the Settings part.
  5. To Send a Daily email:
    1. Select Filters
    2. Scroll down and locate the Integration Log Timestamp part.
    3. On the Integration Log Timestamp select maches (advanced).
    4. Type 'Today' in the box next to maches (advanced).
    5. Note the Integration Log Timestamp set to "is today".
  6. Click Save.
  7. To test, click Send Now.
  8. Click Done.

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