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Creating Plants Overview

Purpose: Propagation is the beginning of the life cycle for cultivation. New plants can be created from seeds, or taken as clones from established vegetative or Mother plants. Select “GROW” icon from…

Purpose: Propagation is the beginning of the life cycle for cultivation. New plants can be created from seeds, or taken as clones from established vegetative or Mother plants.

  1. Select “GROW” icon from left side navigation
  2. Click the dropdown menu button under CLONE in the top phases of development ribbon
  3. Click Create Plants

Enter valid values for all fields below

Clone Room –

Select the desired room from the auto filled drop down list

Strain –

Select a strain type from the auto filled drop down list

Source –

Select from Mother GroupVeg Group, or Seed

Mother Group

Veg Group


Select this source if you are taking clones from an established Mother plant.

Select this source if you are taking clones from established Vegetative plants

Select this source if you are starting with new genetics from seed

Select appropriate Mother Group

Select appropriate Vegetative Group


Enter total number of clones

Enter total number of clones

Enter total number of seeds

4. Assign to group –



Select this group if you are creating a brand new group of clones

Select this source if you are adding these clones to an already created group of clones

Entire in unique New Group Name

Select group from dropdown menu

5. Select valid date and time from the calendar.

6. Select I Already Have Plant IDs or Generate New Plant IDs

I Already Have Plant IDs

Generate New Plant IDs

Select to upload METRC plant IDs

Select if you do not need to upload METRC plant IDs

If we select I Already Have Plant IDs  following  checkboxes will be automatically selected: I have a .csv file with plant IDs already created for these plants and The .csv file has a header row


Select Choose File and upload the file to generate plant ids


Click Confirm and save the plant ids

Click Confirm and save the plant ids

7. Repeat this process to create more plants as needed.

How did we do?

Cultivation - How to Revive Plants (No Tracking System)

Move harvested strains back to the Flowering phase
