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Retail Purchase Limit Enforcement

Retail Purchase Limit Enforcement. Prerequisites. Facility Configuration In order to be able to enforce purchase limits for your retail orders, the facility configuration to Enforce purchase limits uā€¦

Updated by Bennett

Retail Purchase Limit Enforcement


  1. Facility Configuration
    1. In order to be able to enforce purchase limits for your retail orders, the facility configuration to Enforce purchase limits under the Compliance section must be turned on.
Compliance settings are view only. If you need this setting updated, please contact Flourish support.
  1. Item/Package Configuration
    1. Purchase limits vary by state and by customer type (i.e. medical vs. recreational/adult use), and they are determined based on broad item categories. For example, a customer may be able to legally purchase a larger amount of flower than of a more potent concentrate item, and medical customers are likely to have higher limits than recreational ones. In order for the total amount of cannabinoids in a given cart to be calculated and compared against the legal limits, Flourish needs to know how much THC each item in the cart contains. Please see the Purchase Limits By State section at the bottom of this document for a detailed explanation of how the values are determined.

Building the Cart

Flourish supports multiple workflows for building retail carts and allocating packages to them. Some clients may be set up for front-of-house fulfillment, scanning packages at the point of sale, so their carts are built and allocated at the same time. Other clients may build the carts at the point of sale and have fulfillment in the back of house.

**The option to perform purchase limit validation will not be available until the cart is fully allocated.

In the example above, only 24 of the 25 ordered grams of flower are allocated to the cart, so the point of sale shows the Send to Fulfillment button, which would allow you to move the purchase to a fulfillment queue to be picked up by the back of house. However, once all lines in the cart are fully allocated (whether in front or back of house), the Validate option will become available.

Performing the Validation

The Happy Path

Once you're ready to validate the cart, simply click Validate as shown above. Flourish will analyze the cannabis contents of the cart open a modal displaying the results. If the contents of the cart are found to be within the legal purchase limits, you're good to go!

Upon closing the modal after a successful validation, you will have the option to check out/complete the purchase, as shown below. If you make any further changes to the cart contents or allocations, the cart will need to be re-validated before you can proceed to checkout.

Hold up!

In the event that the cart contents are found to be in excess of certain purchase limits, the validation modal will open with a detailed explanation of the issue.

Flourish includes the customer's prior purchase history on the same calendar day in its calculations, to prevent purchase limit violations across multiple visits.

There are two options from this point:

  1. If you believe that the purchase limit validation is incorrect for whatever reason (e.g., perhaps a package's THC content was recorded with a decimal in the wrong place), Flourish will not prevent you from completing a sale. However, in order to Proceed, you will be asked to enter your PIN to override the validation.
    1. To authorize the override with a PIN, the user must have a role assigned with the Override purchase limit validation to complete purchase action permission turned on. This action can be found in Point of Sale roles under the Shop module > Cart submodule.

Upon entering your PIN, if the override successfully authorized, you can proceed to checkout as desired.

  1. Alternatively, you can Close the modal, return to the cart, and reduce the contents of the cart to get it back within purchase limits. If you choose this option, there will be no option to Check Out or Complete Purchase once the modal is closed. Once the cart quantities are reduced, you can Validate again and ensure the purchase is legal before completing the sale.

Purchase Limits By State


Purchase Limits are based on the category of the item. The following categories are currently linked to the following purchase limits:


Purchase Limit Type

Daily Medical Limit

Daily Rec Limit

THC Content?

Flowers/Buds Approved for Extraction


28.0000 g

28.0000 g




28.0000 g

28.0000 g


Marijuana Flowers/Buds


28.0000 g

28.0000 g


Pre-rolled cigs/joints


28.0000 g

28.0000 g




28.0000 g

28.0000 g


Shake/Trim Approved for Extraction


28.0000 g

28.0000 g


Small/Popcorn Buds


28.0000 g

28.0000 g


Infused Non-Edible


3.5430 g

3.5430 g


Infused Pre-rolls


3.5430 g

3.5430 g


Non-Solvent Based Concentrate


3.5430 g

3.5430 g


Non-Solvent Based Concentrate (Each)


3.5430 g

3.5430 g


Solvent Based Concentrate


3.5430 g

3.5430 g


Solvent Based Concentrate (Each)


3.5430 g

3.5430 g




3.5430 g

3.5430 g


Tinctures (Each)


3.5430 g

3.5430 g




3.5430 g

3.5430 g


Infused Edible


3.5430 g

3.5430 g


Notice the column THC content. If the value for a specific category is Yes, then the amount that will be used for the calculation will be the THC content (mg of THC per unit) multiplied by the quantity allocated to the order for this package.

To record the THC content for a package, you can Edit attributes from the action dropdown in the All Packages grid in the Inventory module.

To be able to edit package attributes, your user role for the web application must have Inventory module > Inventory submodule update permissions enabled.

Inside the Package Attributes modal, enter the THC Content (again, in mg per unit) for the package, and click Save.

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