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Mobile App: Build Orders by Scanning and Allocating Packages

The Flourish Android mobile scanner app increases productivity by allocating cannabis packages to orders quickly and efficiently. You can simultaneously build orders and allocate inventory or allocat…

The Flourish Android mobile scanner app increases productivity by allocating cannabis packages to orders quickly and efficiently. You can simultaneously build orders and allocate inventory or allocate inventory to existing orders.

Depending upon your workflow, there is a facility configuration in the web app:

  • Facility configuration: Settings > Configuration > Outbound section > 'Mobile allocation - automatically allocate scanned package (disable to scan and split a package)':

  • Workflow 1: Packages are already at the quantity needed to allocate. Simply scan each package to automatically allocate it to the order
    • For this workflow, you will ENABLE this configuration
  • Workflow 2: Scan a large source package and then create a new separate package and allocate it to the order
    • For this workflow, you will DISABLE this configuration
    • This will display an extra screen asking the user if they want to 'Allocate the Full Package' or 'Split the package and create a new package to allocate.

User permissions needed to allocate and split packages:

  • User permission #1: Settings > User Roles > Select Role > Mobile Application > Outbound > Allocate Order
  • User permission#2: Settings > User Roles > Select Role > Mobile Application > Inventory > Split Packages


  • For METRC users who have pre-printed METRC package tags, if you use workflow #2 outlined above (scanning a source package and creating a smaller package to allocate): After choosing to split the package, you'll see an additional section on the split package screen that allows you to quickly scan the child package tag:
    • 3 ways to quickly select the child tag for METRC users:
      • Scan the METRC tag
      • Tap the 'Select Next Tag' button and the next up available tag will be selected
      • Search or use the scroll box to select a tag

Allocating packages to an existing order:

  • The configurations used are the same as above
  1. If the user scans another package with the SAME item, strain (if required), and lot number (if sell by lot is enabled), the 2nd package will be added to the same order detail and:
  • the quantity ordered will stay the same as the quantity of the first scanned package
  • the quantity allocated will increase accordingly based on the quantity in the second package, which will over-allocate the order detail and display an error icon and quantity in red text. This is just to let the user know that this order line is currently over-allocated
  1. The user continues to scan the packages for this item/strain/lot. In this example, the user intended to have a total quantity ordered of 1,000 eaches. So they scanned 10 packages of the Lemon OG Cartridges (100 in each package).
  • Then the user will update the quantity ordered to match the amount that was over-allocated:
    • tap into the order detail
    • on the order detail screen, tap Match Allocated
    • the order detail and order will be updated automatically

  1. If the user scans a package with a DIFFERENT item, strain (if required), and lot number (if sell by lot is enabled), the 2nd package will be added to a new order detail and the package will be allocated simultaneously:
  1. Tap the Save Order button to save the order.

How did we do?

Mobile Order Line Screen
