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My Item Won't Sync with LeafLink

If you've created your item in Flourish and you don't see it in LeafLink, check out these helpful tips to start troubleshooting!

NIr Malchy
Updated by NIr Malchy

If you’ve created your item in Flourish and it doesn’t appear in LeafLink, there are a few things you can check.

Check Your Item's Sync Status

There are three statuses an item can have: In-Sync, Out-of-Sync, or N/A. You can check this in Flourish by navigating to Settings > Integrations > LeafLink > Item Sync and searching for the item.

out of sync icon (red exclamation point), in-sync icon (green check mark), and not applicable icon (N/A)


This item is synced with LeafLink. There should be no additional action needed.


The item is not synced with LeafLink. There should be an error associated with the item. Check out what those errors are and how to resolve them below.


Items with a N/A status mean that the item isn’t being synced with LeafLink at all. You might not always want to sync items to LeafLink – think packaging, raw materials, etc.

But if your item needs to be synced with LeafLink and the status is N/A, check the E-Commerce Active rule in the Item Master.

You can turn this rule on from the Integrations page.

  1. In Flourish, navigate to Settings > Integrations > LeafLink > Item Sync.
  2. Enter the name or SKU of your item in the search bar, then click Search.
  3. Locate your item in the grid and click Activate.

If you find yourself in the Item Master, you can enable this rule from there as well.

  1. In Flourish, navigate to Settings > Inventory > All items.
  2. Search for the item name or SKU.
  3. Click the item name, then scroll to the Rules section.
The item rules from the item master is displayed. The text E-Commerce Active is highlighted. There is a toggle to the right of the text, and the toggle is off.
  1. If the E-Commerce Active toggle is off, click Edit and then click on the toggle to turn it on.
  2. Click Save to save your changes.

See what the error is.

Flourish Software displays why items do not sync from and to Leaflink. Follow the steps below to see why the item did not sync:

  1. Click to go to Settings
  2. Select Integrations
  3. Click on the Pencil icon next to Leaflink
  4. Go to the Sync Errors tab
  5. Select By Item next to
  6. Paste the item name, SKU, or retail display name and see the information in the ERROR MESSAGE section.

If you see an error message on the Integrations page, have no fear! Here are the most common error messages and what you need to do to make sure your items are in-sync.

Getting an error you don’t see here? Contact our support team – we’re always happy to help!

If your item is in the LeafLink category Flower, LeafLink requires you to select a strain for it. If you haven’t created packages of this item, you can add a strain by following these steps:

  1. In Flourish, navigate to Settings > Inventory > All items.
  2. Search for the item name or SKU.
  3. Click the item name, then click Edit.
  4. Toggle Strain Req on.
A toggle with the text "Strain Req." is in the on position.
  1. Select the strain from the dropdown, then click Save to save your changes.
  2. In Flourish, navigate to Settings > Integrations > LeafLink > Item Sync.
  3. Enter the name of your item in the search bar and click Sync Now to sync the item with LeafLink.

If packages have already been created, take a look at the options here to make changes to your item.

If an item has a strain, check the following:

  • Make sure the strain exists in LeafLink.
  • If it doesn't, create it in LeafLink with the same information that's in Flourish.
Note: Strains are case-sensitive! Gogi Og is not the same as Gogi OG, so be sure the case matches.

• Sync products toggle disabled and no valid SKU found.

The Sync items and product info to LeafLink toggle is Off for this LeafLink company on the Integrations page, so Flourish is looking for an SKU in LeafLink to match up with. This error means Flourish can’t find a matching SKU in LeafLink.

  1. In Flourish, navigate to Settings > Inventory > All items.
  2. Search for the item name or SKU.
  3. Copy the SKU from the item.
  4. Create or update the item in LeafLink with the SKU copied from Flourish.
  5. In Flourish, navigate to Settings > Integrations > LeafLink > Item Sync.
  6. Enter the name of your item in the search bar and click Sync Now next to the item.

• SKU may not be blank.

The SKU for this item is blank in Flourish. LeafLink requires an SKU for all items, so we have to add one in Flourish to sync the item.

  1. In Flourish, navigate to Settings > Inventory > All items.
  2. Search for the item name.
  3. Click the item name, then click Edit.
  4. Add the SKU on the right side of the page.
  5. Click Save.
If you created the item in LeafLink first, copy the SKU from LeafLink, then paste it into the SKU field in Flourish.

• Unidentified sync error, contact Flourish support.

This is an error that we can’t quite define. Get in contact with the Support Team – we can help you track down and resolve the issue with this item.

For the fastest results, please provide us with the following information:

  • The name of the item in Flourish.
  • The SKU of the item in Flourish and/or LeafLink.

Still Need Help?

Please contact the support team and let us know the following:

  • The name of your facility in Flourish.
  • The name of the item you’re having trouble with.
  • The SKU of the item in Flourish and/or LeafLink

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My LeafLink Order Won’t Sync with Flourish

My Item Synced to LeafLink Incorrectly
