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2020.10.12 Software Release 4.22.0

VERSION. 4.22.0 SUMMARY OF RELEASED ITEMS. Grow. Enhancements to splitting plant batches. METRC California only - Package immature plants in Veg and Mother stages. Added the ability for clients that…





  1. Enhancements to splitting plant batches
  2. METRC California only - Package immature plants in Veg and Mother stages
  3. Added the ability for clients that record wet weights for every plant to export a plant weight log while the group is still in flowering
  4. All METRC Cultivation Clients - Added Strain to the Package selector when creating Clones
  5. Added the ability for All Cultivation users the ability to move a plants from Cloning directly to Mother
  6. Non-California METRC and Non-METRC cultivation users, you will now be able to package plants from Clone groups and have the option to toggle if those plants get deducted or not from the plant count


  1. Added the option to choose None when selecting a Sales Rep
  2. We now populate Amount Paid on Invoice PDF's


  1. METRC - Allow users to split packages for external items




  1. Enhancements to splitting plant batches

    1. For California METRC Clients
      From the group action menu select split group. For each plant batch you want to partially split you select a new plant tag to assign to that plant batch and enter the number of plants.
    2. For all other METRC Clients
      You simply need to enter a new plant batch name!
  2. METRC California only - Package immature plants in Veg and Mother stages

    You can now package Veg and Mother plants in California METRC cultivation environments. We have a toggle for you to choose if the plants are coming from a Mother plant which will NOT decrement the plant count of the group. This means Flourish creates the package of clones for you and then also creates the new plant batch of those clones and then consumes that package label!
This flow is for METRC California Cultivation users ONLY
  1. Non-California METRC and Non-METRC cultivation users, you will now be able to package plants from Clone groups and have the option to toggle if those plants get deducted or not from the plant count

    Toggling this on means the Plants Available number will NOT be impacted from packaging these plants.
  2. Added the ability for clients that record wet weights for every plant to export a plant weight log while the group is still in flowering

    Are you a prepper? Do you want to enter wet weights for plants so you a can make sure all plants are accounted for? Well now you can! Flourish will automatically generate our wet weights spreadsheet for each strain in the group via the Wet Weight Log from the Action drop down in Flowering.

  1. All METRC Cultivation Clients - Added Strain to the Package selector when creating Clones from Packages

    You can now see the strain of the package when selecting a source package for creating clones from a package.
  1. Added the ability for All Cultivation users the ability to move a plants from Cloning directly to Mother

    We added the ability for you to move plants directly from Cloning to Mother! Previously we required you move the plants to Vegetation then Mother.


  1. Added the option to choose None when selecting a Sales Rep

    Sometimes orders are made without need to have a Sales Rep assigned. To accommodate this occurrence we have added the option of None to the Sales Rep selector to Orders.

  1. We now populate Amount Paid and Payment Method on Invoice PDF's
    This a great way to let your customers know how much they have paid towards an invoice. As payments are logged to an order, we will now display the Amount Paid on the Invoice PDF.

  1. Added the ability to search by Destination to the Shipment search
    Sometimes you need to see all the shipments you have shipped to a particular destination. To allow you to do this we have added Destinations are a search parameter to the Shipments search! All shipments that the Destination that was entered will appear in the grid.


  1. METRC - Allow users to split packages for external items

    Only for Create Package from Package. To use this feature you will need to find an external package from the All Packages grid and select Create Package from the Action drop down. All source packages need to match the External Item being created.
External Item Packages can also be split into Internal Item Packages!


  1. You will see a noticeable difference in the amount of time is takes to load items on the Leaflink Item Sync page. We added pagination for quicker loading. You can also choose how many lines to display per page! Options are 10, 20, 30 , 40, 50.

  1. We have added Brand mapping between Flourish and Leaflink. We previously released making Brands a drop down selector for constant naming amongst items. Now, we mapped this field to Brands in Leaflink!
FOR NEW ITEMS ONLY! We made this decision to not break the Brands that are currently assigned to items in Leaflink.
For new items, if the brand name matches exactly what's in LeafLink it will be mapped, otherwise they will get the default brand.

How did we do?

2020.09.28 Software Release 4.21.0

2020.10.26 Software Release 4.23.0
