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Outbound Order Discounts and Charges

Learn more about Creating New Outbound Orders. In Flourish Software, you can apply discounts to your outbound orders in two levels: Order Line Discount - a discount set for an order line. Order Disco…

NIr Malchy
Updated by NIr Malchy

In Flourish Software, you can apply discounts to your outbound orders in two levels:

  • Order Line Discount - a discount set for an order line.
  • Order Discount - a discount for the entire order. You can apply pre-tax or post-tax discounts or post-tax charges (such as shipping).

Order Line Discount

Apply the discount

  1. Go to Outbound/Orders.
  2. Click on the Order ID. 
  3. Click Edit Order.
  4. Locate the order Line.
  5. Type the dollar amount under the LINE DISCOUNT Cell.
  6. Click Tab or click out of the cell. The order line saves automatically.
    Order Line Discount
  7. Click Done Editing to save the changes on the order. Flourish displays the discount as a negative number:
    Flourish displays the discount as a negative number

Discount and integrated apps

When a user in Leaflink sets a "Sale Price" Per Unit for an order line, the difference between the "Wholesale" Price Per Unit and the "Sale" price Per Unit, multiplied by the number of the units sold, is the Order Line Discount in Flourish Software.

In Leaflink:

  • The "Wholesale" Unit Price is $19
  • The "Sale" Unit Price is $15.00
  • The discount per Unit is $4.00 
  • The number of units sold is 5.
  • The total Order Line Discount is $20.00 ( 5 units Times $4 discount per Unit):
    Discount Per Unit in Leaflink

In Flourish Software:

  • The total Order Line Discount is $20.00:
    Flourish Software Order Line Discount

QuickBooks Online

The Flourish Order line discount syncs to QuickBooks Online as a separate line item with a negative rate. The quantity is always 1.

Order Line Discount in Flourish Software

The Corresponding Order Lines in QuickBooks Online

QuickBooks Online Order Line Discount

Order Discounts


In general, permissions are per Facility and User Role. To edit the User Role:

  1. Go to Manage Settings.
  2. Select User Roles.
  3. Select the Facility and the User Role to Configure.
  4. Locate the Outbound section of the screen.
    1. All users with "Order Update" permission can apply pre-set discounts or charges and make a custom discount or charge.
    2. Only users with "Create discounts and charges" permission can create new discounts or charges from the order.
  5. To find the "Create discounts and charges" permission, click the Actions menu here:
  6. In the menu below, toggle "Create discounts and charges"
  7. Save!

QuickBooks Online

Enable Shipping Charges in QuickBooks Online. This enables Flourish Software sales orders that contain charges to sync the charges to QuickBooks Online.

If you don't turn on the shipping in your QuickBooks Online, the order from Flourish Software that contains charges will sync without the charges.

Add a Discount or a Charge to an Order

You can choose to have discounts calculated pre- or post-tax (by using the arrows in the pictures below).
Charges are always post-tax.

To apply a Discount or a Charge to an Outbound order, please follow the steps below:

  1. Go to Outbound > Orders
  2. In the All Orders Screen find the relevant Order
  3. Click on the order ID and click Edit Order
  4. Scroll down and click the Dollar Icon next to “Order Discounts” or the “Charges

Once you click the Dollar Icon next to “Order Discounts” or the “Charges” you can do three things, depending on user permissions:

Select from a pre-set list

Select from the list and proceed.

Add a custom

Select Custom from the list and proceed.

Create a new pre-set

Select Configure New Discount or Configure New Charge and proceed.

Creating Discounts/Charges - via a Sales Order

Users with the Create discounts and charges permission can quickly create a new pre-set discount or charge from the pop-up modal. To do that:

  1. Select Configure New Discount or Configure New Charge.
  2. Enter the name, method (dollar or percent for discounts, charges are always dollars), the value,
  3. Click Save.

Creating Discounts/Charges - via the Admin section

General information

To add new Discounts or Charges from the admin section a user must have the View and Update permissions for Admin / Distribution turned on. However, users can also add new discounts or charges directly from the order if their user role has the Create discounts and charges action permission turned on.

To configure pre-set discounts and charges from the Admin section please follow the stesp below:

  1. Go to Manage Settings > Distribution
  2. Click the Discounts and Charges tab.
  3. Select Manage discounts or Manage shipping charges

Newly created discounts and charges will be active by default.

Toggle Off under 'ACTIVE' to deactivate

To Deactivate a discount or charge users can toggle them off from the grid and confirm the action.

Creating Discounts

To add new discounts:

  1. Go to Manage Settings > Distribution
  2. Click the Discounts and Charges tab.
  3. Select Manage discounts
  4. Click on the green Add New Discount button. This will open a pop-up to enter the name of the new discount, the method of discount (dollar or percentage), and the value.

Creating Charges

To add new Shipping Charges:

  1. Go to Manage Settings > Distribution
  2. Click the Discounts and Charges tab.
  3. Select Manage shipping charges
  4. Select Add New Charge to open the pop-up and enter the name and dollar value. Charges are only in dollars.

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Outbound orders Payment Status

Creating New Outbound Shipments (Non-METRC)
