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2020.09.02 Software Release 4.19.0

VERSION. 4.19.0 SUMMARY OF RELEASED ITEMS. Added the ability to Log Payments to an Outbound Order. Added the ability to configure Idle Timeout times. Added a field for Planned Route to a Shipment. Up…




  1. Added the ability to Log Payments to an Outbound Order
  2. Added the ability to configure Idle Timeout times
  3. Added a field for Planned Route to a Shipment
  4. Updated the Print Template for Locked/Unlocked Inventory Counts
  5. Added Filtering to the External Lab Results column in Inventory
  6. Added the ability for Admin Users to create API Keys for users
  7. Added the ability to Receive All on Inter-company Transfers


  1. Added the ability to Log Payments to an Outbound Order

    Keeping track of payments for an order can be a hassle. To help you get a handle on how much has been paid for an order we are introducing Order Payments. This feature allows to to add payments to an order, set the time the payment occurred, log the payment method and amount, and enter a note in a ref field. We also added Total Paid and Balance Due. Both get update according to the payment/s logged to the order.
    You can log multiple payments to an order.
    Payment methods are configured on the facility level. Admin>Facilities>Configure>Payment Methods
  2. Added the ability to configure Idle Timeout times

    We understand that the same computer can be used by multiple Flourish users. To help with keeping users from accidentally walking up and using another users account we have added an Idle Timeout feature. This feature allows users with Admin Permissions to set the number of minutes a user is considered idle. Once that idle time has been hit, then there is another timer that starts. This is the timer that will log the user out. For example, if the idle time is four minutes and the log out time is one minute the user will be logged out after 5 minutes.
  1. Added a field for Planned Route to a Shipment

    We have added an open text field on shipment for Planned Routes. This allows users to enter the route the driver will be taking for the shipment.

  1. Updated the Print Template for Locked/Unlocked Inventory Count

    We have updated how the Print Template works for when Inventory Counts are filtered by either the Locked or Unlocked buttons. Now when either of these is selected only the packages displayed in the grid will be on the printed template!
  2. Added Filtering to the External Lab Test Results column in Inventory

    We added the ability for users to filter the External Lab Test Results column. This filter allows users to sort the External lab Test Result for quickly seeing all packages based on the testing status.
These are for test results from METRC.
Here are the status' users can filter by:
  1. Added the ability for Admin Users to create API Keys for users

    We added the ability for Admin users to create API Keys for users. This is great for those who are developing against the Flourish External API. Admin users simply have to press the Generate API Key and the Username and External API Key are provided. They API key can also be reset by a push of a button.
The API key will only be displayed once.
Resetting the API key will nullify the previous API key.

  1. Added the ability to Receive All on Inter-company Transfers

    It has been a long time coming, but we have finally added the ability for users to receive an entire Inter-company PO by clicking a button. We also added the ability to receive each PO line with the a click as well.
The PO HAS to be sent from a facility within the same company in Flourish.
Only users with the Action permission "Receive all packages on a PO line in bulk" can perform this action

How did we do?

2020.08.10 Software Release 4.18.0

2020.09.14 Software Release 4.20.0
