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Inventory Adjustments

To edit a package quantity to the correct size or, for instance, to waste out some of a product, you can make an Inventory Adjustment. There are two types of inventory adjustments: cannabis/hemp (pac…

To edit a package quantity to the correct size or, for instance, to waste out some of a product, you can make an Inventory Adjustment. There are two types of inventory adjustments: cannabis/hemp (package) adjustments and non-cannabis (inventory) adjustments.

Prequesite: Your User Role will need the appropriate permissions (Actions toggle for "Adjust Inventory Qty" under User Roles>Inventory>Inventory must be on) to make inventory adjustments, so please contact your administrator if you cannot.

Package Adjustments (Cannabis/Hemp)

  1. Navigate to the Inventory Grid, and on the item you wish to make an adjustment.
  2. Select Actions>Adjust qty.

  1. Select the Adjustment Code Reason for the adjustment and the quantity to adjust or enter the total new quantity. For METRC states, adjustments will map to the Adjustment Reason within METRC. A comment is optional, depending on the state.
If the inventory level displays a negative number, you can adjust it. If you need help, don't hesitate to get in touch with the Support team; we will be happy to help!

Raw Materials / Supplies Inventory Adjustments

  1. Navigate to the Inventory Grid from the left menu
  2. From the top under the Inventory drop-down, select All Inventory
  3. Filter down the Inventory Type(s) to "Raw Materials" and "Supplies"

  1. Find the line item of the inventory you want to adjust and click Action>Adjust Qty. Enter the Adjustment Code and New Quantity of the item.

The system will display an error if no Adjustment Codes are set up with the type "Inventory Adjustment." Follow the steps below to create a new Inventory Adjustment Code.

Creating New Adjustment Codes

Adjustment Reason Codes have a few different types that you can select. The two used here will be "Inventory Adjustment" or "Package Adjustment."

Please see here to view all Adjustment Reason Code types and their uses.

  1. Navigate to Manage settings
  2. Go to the Inventory module. Click Items>Inventory adjustment codes
  3. Click Create New Adjustment Reason.
  4. Select the type of adjustment and type in an Adjustment Code Reason Name (abbreviation and description are optional fields).
    1. Use Package Adjustment as the type if you are making a new reason for cannabis inventory package quantity adjustments
    2. Use Inventory Adjustment as the type if you are making a new reason for non-cannabis inventory quantity adjustments
    3. Use Plant Adjustment as the type if you are a cultivator making adjustments (destroying plants) to plant counts
    4. Use Package Return as the type if you need a new reason for returns on outbound orders
    5. Use Cancelled Orders as the type if you need a new reason for cancelling outbound orders
    6. Use Cash Variance if you are a retailer and need a new reason for a variances in your cash float
    7. Use Cash Management if you are a retailer and need a new reason for moving cash around between vaults and tills
  5. Click "Save" - that's it! The adjustment reason code is now ready to use.

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