Getting Started
Login, Modules Overview, and Access
Analytics Overview
Support Options
Billing Module
Flourish Supported Hardware, Networking, and Vendors
Edit Your Flourish Software User Profile
Configuration & Setup
Company Settings
Editing Your Company Profile
Automatically Lock Packages Based on Test Result Status
Upload Your Company Logo
Facility Settings
Creating Locations and Areas
Facility Tag Settings
Manage Facility Payment Methods
Facility Compliance Screen
Update License Number
Configure and Manage a Reverse Sync User
Configurations per Facility
Labels & Printing
Flourish Label Maker - Configure Labels
Understanding Label Configuration Settings
Flourish Label Selection & Capabilities
How to Add a Reference Field to a Label
Printer and hardware options and setup
QZ Tray Certificate renewal
Flourish COA Portal QR Code - Arizona Requirements
Distribution Setup
Managing Destinations
Create and Update Destinations In Bulk
Managing Sales Reps
Assign Sales Reps to a Destination
Add/Create Vendors
Create And Update Vendors In Bulk
How to Tag Drivers
Create and Manage Vehicles
Create And Manage Drivers
Users & Permissions
User Roles and Facility Permissions
Creating and Managing Users
Setting Up Users for Mobile Access
How to enable "Update financial info for shipped orders"
Enable Add a New Physician to User Roles
Retail POS - Allow to Allocate Inventory to a Purchase Order Manually
Prevent Users from Exporting All Grid Data
Manufacturing Machine & Run Configuration
Bulk Item Price Updates - Item Pricing
Create and Update Strains in Bulk
Enable the creation of new items from the Inventory Screens
Update Items in bulk
Flourish Analytics
Flourish Analytics - Getting Started
Flourish Analytics - Set User Access and Access Level
Flourish Analytics - Browse Content
Flourish Analytics - Set a Workbook as Favorite
Flourish Analytics - Customize and Bookmark the Data
Flourish Analytics - Export Data
Flourish Software messages and notifications
Grow / Cultivation Overview
Entering in Dry Weights
Overview: Plant Groups and Plant Batches
Change Strain on a Plant
How to split a group
Changing the UOM of a Harvest's Wet Weight
Creating "Fresh Frozen" packages - all you need to know
How to Bulk Destroy Plant IDs
Adjust Expected Harvest Date
Entering in Wet Weights by Individual Plant
Splitting Immature Plant Groups
Non-METRC Creating a Package of Clones
Manicure Harvest
How to create strains
How to Move Plants
How to Create Clones From a Mother Group
Entering in Wet Weights by Group (non-METRC)
METRC Harvest: Record Wet Weight with Scale and Scanner
Cultivation Area Attributes
How to Manicure a Harvest
Creating New Strains
Entering in Dry Weights and Creating Packages from Harvest
How to Apply Additives to Plants
How to Kill plants
Recording Waste for Harvests (METRC)
Destroying Plants: Logging Waste / Notes
Cultivation - How to Revive Plants (No Tracking System)
Creating Plants Overview
Move harvested strains back to the Flowering phase
Record METRC Harvest with Total Wet Weight
Reprint Plant Tags
Making "Fresh Frozen" products from a Harvest in the "Processing" stage.
Non-METRC - Move a harvest back from 'Processing' to the 'Harvest' phase
How to Kill Individual Plant IDs
How to Make a Mother Group
Kill Individual Plant IDs from Plant Groups
NON-METRC - How to Make a Clone
Harvest packages and Configuration
Making "Fresh Frozen" products from wet weights.
Canada - Destroy plants
METRC Harvesting - wet and dry weights, waste, harvest packages and completion.
Complete and Uncomplete a Harvest
Creating a Package from Harvest
Inbound Module Overview
Inbound Purchase Orders
Inbound - Display Additional fields next to item names on purchase order lines
Tutorial: Create Purchase Order
Receive Inbound Transfers and Purchase Orders (No Compliance System)
Inbound - Receive The Whole Purchase Order In One Click
Quick Receive Non-Cannabis Inventory
Moisture Tracking
METRC Inbound Process
Bulk Actions
Bulk Actions - Add Packages to an Order
Bulk Actions - Combine Packages
Bulk Actions - Locate Packages
Bulk Actions - Lock and Unlock Packages
Bulk Actions - Add to a Manufacturing Run
Bulk Actions - Print Package Labels
Bulk actions - Update Unit weight
Create Items in Bulk
Inventory Counts
Inventory Settings
Item Creation & Management
Creating a Custom Category
Add Ingredients to Items and print in outbound PDF
Rename Areas
Inventory Management Principles
Classes & Categories
Disabling Areas
Clone an Existing Item or BOM
Lock Codes, Adjustment Codes, & Return Reasons
External and Internal Items
Item Tagging Functionality
Clone an Item to Create A New Item
Chart of Account Mapping
Inventory Management
Custom Grid Column Ordering
Brand Management
Web Inventory Counts: Enter the Number of Packages per Item
Print Labels For Non-Cannabis Items
Tutorial: Creating an Item
Create Package from Package
Inventory Adjustments
Create And Manage Custom Views
Managing Inventory Lock Codes
Managing Chart of Accounts View - QuickBooks Online
Package History
Create Lab Samples when a Lab Test Batch "Required Testing" (LTB Option) is required.
Create multiple packages with different quantities in one session.
Update The Unit Weight for a single package
Create or edit a Brand for an Item.
Reprint Package Label
Automatically calculate the "Use By Date" for new packages.
Inventory: Recording a lab result and uploading COAs
Non-Inventory Items
METRC - Creating Trade Sample Packages and Trade Sample Adjustments
Inventory: Package Reference Fields
Flourish Costing
Inventory Audits
METRC - Retag Packages - Change the item of a package.
Flourish Inventory
Editing Items after Creating Packages
METRC - Discontinue package in METRC and Re-sync to Flourish
Set The Unit Weight for Packages of Items with UOM of 'Each'
Refreshing Inventory Count Details
Outbound - Return Rejected Items to Inventory
MMJ Used Package Attribute
Manage Packages waste
Managing Non-Cannabis Inventory
Creating Packages and Auto-Prompting Label Printing
Inherit Package Attributes
Inventory: Upload PDF To Record Lab Test Results
Refresh Inventory of Non-Cannabis Items
Inventory: Package Attributes
Manufacturing Module Overview
Manufacturing Work Orders with BOMs
Creating Bill of Materials for Handling Case Quantities
Manufacturing Waste Log
Creating a Bill of Materials - BOM
Start a New Manufacturing Run
Creating Inventory using Bill of Materials
Outbound Overview
Outbound Invoice
Outbound orders Payment Status
Outbound Order Discounts and Charges
Creating New Outbound Shipments (Non-METRC)
Add, Edit and Delete Order Notes
Scan Packages to add Order Lines and Allocate Packages to Outbound Orders
Allocate Packages to Outbound Order
Sales Order Approval
Outbound Order Notes
Outbound Module Operational Overview
Invoice Date
Split Packages During Order Allocation
Display Unit Cost and Total Cost when allocating packages to an outbound order.
Creating New Outbound Orders
Configuration: Only Show Items with Available Quantity
Find Orders
Set a Default Distributor for your Outbound orders
Un-Ship a Shipment
Change Facility - Move an Outbound Order between Flourish Facilities.
New York - Outbound - Manage Adult-Use Cannabis Products Tax
Printing Options on a Sales Order
Selling Cannabis Inventory by Lot
California Excise Tax Rate 2023 Update
How to update financial info for shipped orders
Packing List
Outbound Order Status Fields
Mark Sales orders as fully paid
Sales Order Payments
Retail / POS
Customer Management
Adding a Physician
Creating a Customer Profile
Merging Customer Profiles
Customer Preferred Name
Edit the credit available to customers
In-Store, Delivery, and Pickup Orders
Retail POS Printing and Reprinting Receipts
Retail Purchase Limit Enforcement
Creating a Retail Delivery Route
Retail POS Printing Customer Labels
Customer Deliveries (Non-METRC)
Checking In a Customer
METRC Retail Delivery: Edit order after marking “Out For Delivery”
Create Retail Pick Up and Delivery Orders
Retail Order Statuses
Retail POS Refund a Purchase
Fulfilling a Retail Order
Retail POS Complete a Purchase
Retail POS Create an In-Store Purchase
Retail - POS - Split an order line into multiple lines of the same item.
Removing an Order from the POS
Retail POS - Refund a Manual Card Transaction
Retail POS - Refund a POSaBIT - Manual Transaction
Retail POS Quick Sale
Retail - Med and Rec purchases
Retail POS - Refund an AeroPay Transaction
Replace Customer - Change the Customer on a Retail Purchase
Retail - Cancel a Completed Purchase
Till and Vault Management
Creating a Retail Transfer
Creating a Sub-Vault
Performing Pay Ins and Pay Outs
Closing a Till
Counting a Vault
Opening a Till
Reconciling E-Payments
Creating Retail Reasons
Creating a Till
MMUR CureAPI v4 (Florida Only)
MMUR Caregiver Selection
Florida Retail - Automatic Dispensation to MMUR on Delivery Orders
MMUR / CureAPI v4 Medical Cannabis Aggregate Limit
Alpine IQ Integration
Retail Discounts Overview
Creating a Retail Discount
Retail — Standard and Advanced Discounts
Retail Discounts — Customer Attributes
Retail Discounts — Order Attributes
Applying a Retail Discount
Common Retail Discounts
Vector Payments
Till Report
Recording a POSaBIT transaction
Retail - POS - Set default printers and print
Retail Pre-Orders, Backorders, and Replacement Orders
Adding Payment Terminals & Assigning to a Till
Retail Purchase limits
Retail - Customer State ID, Medical ID data and expiration
Retail - Mark a Completed Purchase as Cancelled
Point of Sale Cash Drawer Configuration
Retail - Show Tax Breakdown by Type on Retail Sales Receipt
Retail Facility Configuration
Credit Card Manual payments for Retail Point of Sale
Retail Metrc Sync Error "Package Cannot Be Sold Because it Doesn't Exist in The Current Facility"
Retail - Void a Transaction
Retail - Export the Customer Purchase History
BioTrack (Connecticut)
Connecticut BioTrack Inbound
Connecticut BioTrack Cultivation Guide
Connecticut BioTrack Manifest Requirements
Connecticut Manifesting in Flourish for BioTrack Clients
Connecticut BioTrack Inventory
Connecticut BioTrack Category Conversions
BioTrack (Florida)
Florida BioTrack Integration Overview
Florida BioTrack Limitations
Florida BioTrack User Management
Florida BioTrack Drivers and Vehicles
Florida BioTrack Inventory Categories and Mapping
Florida BioTrack Item MMUR Configuration
Florida BioTrack Propagation
Florida BioTrack Cultivation Management
Florida BioTrack Harvesting
Florida BioTrack Inventory Creation
Florida BioTrack Inventory Destruction
Florida BioTrack Inventory Adjustments
Florida BioTrack Initial Inventory During 90 Day Conversion Window
Florida BioTrack Delivery Devices
Florida BioTrack Facility Areas Creation
Florida BioTrack Lab Samples and COA Management
Florida BioTrack Manufacturing
Florida BioTrack: Report Ingredients During Manufacturing
Florida BioTrack Inbound Receiving and Transfers
Florida BioTrack Order Fulfillment and Shipping
Florida Biotrack Retail Returns, Restocks, and Voids
Florida BioTrack: Plant Additives
Florida BioTrack: Kief SOP
Florida BioTrack: Retail POS User Guide
Florida BioTrack: Retail Fulfillment User Guide
Florida BioTrack: Retail Delivery User Guide
Florida BioTrack - Undo Out of Sync Package
Florida BioTrack Inventory Count
BioTrack (New York)
Google Workspace
LeafLink Integration Overview
LeafLink Integration Setup
Flourish LeafLink Integration Setup DIY - Start here!
Before Setting Up LeafLink Integration
LeafLink Integration Setup and Activation
After Setting Up and Activating the LeafLink Integration
Set a default Sales Representative for a customer in Leaflink
Leaflink Category Mapping with Custom Categories
Sync Flourish to multiple Leaflink Companies and Brands
LeafLink - Sell by Batch
LeafLink Integration - Exclude facilities from inventory quantity sync
Set The Status of Leaflink Orders to Sync To Flourish Software.
Leaflink Brands and Product Lines
LeafLink Troubleshooting
QuickBooks Online
What Version of QuickBooks Online is Supported?
Integration: QuickBooks Online
QuickBooks Online Sync Settings
Enable Shipping Charges in QuickBooks Online
Disconnect (Un-map) Items, Destinations and Vendors
Setting Inventory Start Date
Switch your QuickBooks Online Account to work with Categories
Enable Syncing of Outbound Orders to Quickbooks
Transition an Item from "Inventory" to "Non-Inventory" types in Flourish and QBO.
Quickbooks Online: Syncing Order Discounts
Send Flourish Data To QBO Sales Order Custom Fields
METRC CA Microbusinesses Location Functionality.
Step 1 - preparing for METRC CA Location Functionality for Microbusinesses.
Step 2 - preparing for METRC CA Location Functionality for Microbusinesses.
My Package is out of sync - Location Invalid
Step 3 - Locate your packages - METRC CA Location Functionality for Microbusinesses
Location Functionality for California Microbusinesses
METRC Integration Overview
How to find or generate your METRC API key
Sync cultivation Data from METRC
METRC -Handle Out Of Sync Package, Item, Plant, Harvest or Strain.
My item is out of sync - How to get it back in sync with METRC
METRC - Delete Package Tags
METRC - Assigning Tags to Plants & Packages
Metrc API Bulletin 089
METRC - Killing mature plants - additional details
METRC - Creating clones overview
California METRC cultivators - How to create clones from immature plants batches.
METRC - Handling rejected outbound packages
Managing Your Compliance System Credentials Flourish
METRC CA Outbound Cultivation tax flexibility
2. Differences in METRC and non-METRC installations of Flourish Software
METRC Tags: Upload, Delete and Manage Tags
METRC MO, OH and MA - include or exclude the prefix in names of items synced from METRC.
METRC - Inbound a package and use it to create clones
Manage METRC Tags
Creating Outbound Shipments and METRC Transfers
METRC Item Brands
METRC - Undo Package - Remove a created package that is out of sync
METRC CA - Edit cultivation tax on Inbound Orders
METRC - Create a Transfer Template
How to Resync a package
Sync an Item from METRC
Retry sync - a case of invalid tag
Troubleshooting Chrome Extension for METRC Transfers
METRC "External Transfer" - bring cannabis items into the METRC ecosystem.
Flourish Manufacturing Run Sync As METRC Processing Job
METRC - Get my plants back in sync
Import METRC Categories
Un-map Out of Sync Items
Missouri 2023 Categories Transition - Next Steps
Retry Sync after the issue was resolved
Auto-assign tags to items created by METRC reverse sync
METRC Issues response and instructions - December 2023
METRC - My Retail Order is Out Of Sync
METRC CA - Reducing Immature Plant Batches - additional details
METRC Harvest - Retry Harvest Sync
METRC - Out of Sync Strain
Retry Sync - Case of "User not Authorized"
Un-sync An Item From a METRC Facility - Delete a Mapping Record
METRC Colorado "Use By Date" Requirement Change - 1/1/2024
Missouri 2023 Categories Transition - Map Categories and Update Items
My package is out of sync
METRC - Get my clone batch back in sync
Seed Technology Integration
Export Data From Flourish To QuickBooks Desktop
CYBRA MarkMagic® Integration Setup
Lendica Integration
Apex Trading Integration
Release Notes
Previous Release Notes
2020.02.23 - Software Release 4.6.0
2020.03.23 - Software Release 4.8.0
2020.04.06 - Software Release 4.9.0
2020.04.20 Software Release 4.10.0
2020.04.13 - Software Release 4.9.2
2020.05.04 Software Release 4.11
2020.05.18 Software Release 4.12.0
2020.06.01 Software Release 4.13.0
2020.06.15 Software Release 4.14.0
2020.06.22 Software Release 4.14.1
2020.06.29 Software Release 4.15.0
2020.07.13 Software Release 4.16.0
2020.07.27 Software Release 4.17.0
2020.08.10 Software Release 4.18.0
2020.09.02 Software Release 4.19.0
2020.09.14 Software Release 4.20.0
2020.09.28 Software Release 4.21.0
2020.10.12 Software Release 4.22.0
2020.10.26 Software Release 4.23.0
2020.11.09 Software Release 4.24.0
2020.11.30 Software Release 4.25.0
2020.12.14 Software Release 4.26.0
2020.12.29 Software Release 4.26.1
2021.01.11 Software Release 4.28.0
2021.01.25 Software Release 4.29.0
2021.02.09 Software Release 4.30.0
2021.02.25 Software Release 4.31.0
2021.03.09 Software Release 4.32.0
2021.03.23 Software Release 4.33.0
2021.04.09 Software Release 4.34.0
2021.04.21 Software Release 4.35.0
2021.05.03 Software Release 4.36.0
2021.05.18 Software Release 4.37.0
2021.06.08 Software Release 4.38.0
2021.06.29 Software Release 4.39.0
2021.07.20 Software Release 4.40.0
2021.08.03 Software Release 4.41.0
2021.08.17 Software Release 4.42.0
2021.08.31 Software Release 4.43.0
2021.10.05 Software Release 4.45.0
2021.10.19 Software Release 4.46.0
2021.11.02 Software Release 4.47.0
2021.11.16 Software Release 4.48.0
2021.11.30 Software Release 4.49.0
2021.12.14 Software Release 4.50.0
2021.12.28 Software Release 4.51.0
2022.01.11 Software Release 4.52.0
2022.01.25 Software Release 4.53.0
2022.02.08 Software Release 4.54.0
2022.02.22 Software Release 4.55.0
2022.03.08 Software Release 4.56.0
2022.03.22 Software Release 4.57.0
2022.04.05 Software Release 4.58.0
2022.04.19 Software Release 4.59.0
2022.05.03 Software Release 4.60.0
2022.05.17 Software Release 4.61.0
2022.06.01 Software Release 4.62.0
2022.06.14 Software Release 4.63.0
2022.06.28 Software Release 4.64.0
2022.07.12 Software Release 4.65.0
2022.07.26 Software Release 4.66.0
2022.10.18 Software Release 4.72.0
2022.12.13 Software Release 4.76.0
2022.11.15 Software Release 4.74.0
2022.12.28 Software Release 4.77.0
2022.08.23 Software Release 4.68.0
2022.10.04 Software Release 4.71.0
2022.08.09 Software Release 4.67.0
2022.11.1 Software Release 4.73.0
2022.09.07 Software Release 4.69.0
2022.11.29 Software Release 4.75.0
2022.09.20 Software Release 4.70.0
2024.05.30 Software Release 4.106.0
2024.01.23 Software Release 4.100.0
2024.03.26 Software Release 4.103.0
2023.10.17 Software Release 4.96.0
2023.09.06 Software Release 4.94.0
2023.08.08 Software Release 4.92.0
2024.02.13 Software Release 4.101.0
2023.05.02 Software Release 4.85.0
2023.01.24 Software Release 4.79.0
2023.05.16 Software Release 4.86.0
2023.11.28 Software Release 4.98.0
2023.06.13 Software Release 4.88.0
2023.03.21 Software Release 4.83.0
2023.07.25 Software Release 4.91.0
2023.04.04 Software Release 4.84.0
2023.06.27 Software Release 4.89.0
2023.11.06 Software Release 4.97.0
2024.06.26 Software Release 4.107.0
2024.08.20 Software Release 4.109.2
2023.02.21 Software Release 4.81.0
2023.06.01 Software Release 4.87.0
2024.09.10 Software Release 4.111.0
2023.07.11 Software Release 4.90.0
2024.03.05 Software Release 4.102.0
2023.01.10 Software Release 4.78.0
2023.12.17 Software Release 4.99.0
2023.03.07 Software Release 4.82.0
2024.05.07 Software Release 4.105.0
2023.09.26 Software Release 4.95.0
2023.08.22 Software Release 4.93.0
2023.02.07 Software Release 4.80.0
2024.04.16 Software Release 4.104.0
2024.11.20 Software Release 4.112.0
Android Mobile App
Mobile App: Cultivation
Mobile App - Using a scanner for Cultivation Actions
Mobile App - Harvest - Scan and Record Weights for Plants
Mobile App: General
Mobile User Roles
Mobile App Login
Mobile Scanning Devices
Mobile Zebra Scanners - connect to Flourish Software app - DataWedge App Setup
Android App Mobile Settings: Choose Package ID to Display
Mobile App: Inventory
Mobile App Inventory: Assign a Package to an Order
Mobile App Inventory: Update Lot Number for Non-Cannabis Inventory
Mobile App Inventory: Locate Non-Cannabis
Mobile App Inventory: Take Lab Sample
Mobile App Inventory: Create a New Package
Mobile App Inventory: Lock Package
Mobile App Inventory: Adjust Package
Mobile App Inventory: Adjust Non-Cannabis Inventory
Mobile App Inventory: Locate Package
Mobile App: Inventory Counts
Mobile Inventory Counts Overview
Mobile Inventory Count - Enter the Number of Packages per Item
Mobile Inventory Counts: Scan Packages per Item
Mobile App: Outbound
External API
Table of Contents
- All Categories
- Retail / POS
- Till and Vault Management
- Performing Pay Ins and Pay Outs
Performing Pay Ins and Pay Outs
You can move money between Tills and Sub-Vaults easily using pay-ins and pay-outs. When you create a pay-in or pay-out, you will always need to select the Till or Sub-Vault from which the cash is com…
You can move money between Tills and Sub-Vaults easily using pay-ins and pay-outs. When you create a pay-in or pay-out, you will always need to select the Till or Sub-Vault from which the cash is coming from and a cash management reason. This makes it easy to audit cash movement throughout your retail facilities.
Make sure that your user role has the Pay In and Pay Out permissions enabled.
You can find this in Settings > User Roles > Retail > Tills > Perform pay in and Perform pay out.

Cash Management Reasons
If you're performing pay-ins or pay-outs, you'll need to set up cash management reasons under Settings > Retail > Retail Reasons > Cash Management. You can check out our article on how to create a cash management reason here.
You can move cash into or out of a Sub-Vault or Till from your Vault's card.

If you want to add cash to a Sub-Vault from another Sub-Vault or Till, follow the steps below.
- In Flourish, navigate to Retail > Tills > Manage Tills.
- Locate the Vault that your Sub-Vault belongs to, then click Add Pay-In.

- Enter the amount of cash that you want to move in the Cash Amount field.
- In the From dropdown, select the Sub-Vault, Till, or transfer you're moving cash out of.
- In the To dropdown, select the Sub-Vault you're moving cash into.
- Select the cash management reason from the Reason dropdown.
- Enter any notes about the pay-in in the Notes field.
- Select your receipt printer, then click the Add Pay-In button.
If you want to move cash out of a Sub-Vault into another Sub-Vault or Till, check out these steps.
- In Flourish, navigate to Retail > Tills > Manage Tills.
- Locate the Vault that your Sub-Vault belongs to, then click Add Pay-Out.
- Enter the amount of cash that you want to move in the Cash Amount field.
- In the From dropdown, select the Sub-Vault you're moving cash out of.
- In the To dropdown, select the Sub-Vault, Till, or transfer you're moving cash into.
- Select the cash management reason from the Reason dropdown.
- Enter any notes about the pay-out in the Notes field.
- Select your receipt printer, then click the Add Pay-Out button.
Pay-Out to a Transfer
If you want to move money from a Sub-Vault to a cash transport service or deposit it elsewhere, you can perform a pay-out from a Sub-Vault to a transfer.
The steps are identical to performing a pay-out from a Sub-Vault, but you'll need to make sure to select a transfer in the To dropdown.

Pay-In from a Transfer
If your cash transport service or bank returns money to you for any reason, you can add it back to your Sub-Vault by performing a pay-in.
The steps are identical to performing a pay-in to a Sub-Vault, but you'll need to make sure to select a transfer in the From dropdown.
Managing Sub-Vaults
When you want to move cash between two Sub-Vaults that belong to the same Vault, you can use the Manage Sub-Vaults feature from the Vault card.
- In Flourish, navigate to Retail > Tills > Manage Tills.
- Locate the Vault that your Sub-Vault belongs to, then click Manage Sub-Vaults.
- Enter the amount of cash that you want to move in the Cash Amount field.
- In the From dropdown, select the Sub-Vault you're moving cash out of.
- In the To dropdown, select the Sub-Vault you're moving cash into.
- Select the cash management reason from the Reason dropdown.
- Enter any notes about the cash movement in the Notes field.
- Select your receipt printer, then click the Submit button.
You can add cash to a Till from a Sub-Vault, or to a Sub-Vault from a Till. You can do all of this from the till card.

- In Flourish, navigate to Retail > Tills > Manage Tills.
- Locate your Till, then click Add Pay-In.
- Enter the amount of cash that you're moving into the Till in the Cash Amount field.
- In the From dropdown, select the Sub-Vault you're moving cash out of.
- Select the cash management reason from the Reason dropdown.
- Enter any notes about the pay-in in the Notes field.
- Select your receipt printer, then click the Add Pay-In button.
- In Flourish, navigate to Retail > Tills > Manage Tills.
- Locate your Till, then click Add Pay-Out.
- Enter the amount of cash you're moving out of the Till in the Cash Amount field.
- In the To dropdown, select the Sub-Vault you're moving cash into.
- Select the cash management reason from the Reason dropdown.
- Enter any notes about the pay-out in the Notes field.
- Select your receipt printer, then click the Add Pay-Out button.
When you perform a pay-out to a transfer, you are removing the cash from your facility. You can think about this as handing your deposit to a cash pickup service.
The steps are identical to performing a pay-out from a Sub-Vault, but you'll need to make sure to select a transfer in the To dropdown.
You can also receive money from transfers. If you've over-deposited and cash is being returned to you, you can perform a pay-in from a transfer to a Sub-Vault.
How did we do?
Creating a Sub-Vault
Closing a Till