Flourish Label Maker - Configure Labels

Flourish Labeling

Flourish provides templates with standard static and reference fields for printing labels. Labels are managed at the Facility level.

Types of labels

  • Customer Labels
  • Harvest Package Labels
  • Package Labels
  • Plant Labels
  • Product Labels (Cannabis/Hemp)
  • Product Labels (Non-Cannabis/Hemp)
  • Serial Number Labels

Configure labels

Labels - Basic Settings

Labels - Element Settings

Because packages inherit harvest lineage from source packages, a single package can track back to many origin harvests. If there is more than one origin harvest associated with the package, the default behavior will be to print the name/date of the first harvest found and then the number of additional harvests, since it may not be possible to fit all the information on the label. See below for example.

Case size on a package label

If you know the case size per the item you sell, you can include the case size on the package label by following the steps below, and check out the video below:

  1. Update one of the Reference fields on the Item level to the case size. For example, set a number next to "Ref field 1". You can Update Items in bulk.
  2. Configure the package label template to include "Item Ref Field 1" in your package label.

  1. "Ref field 1" on the Item.

  1. "Item Ref Field 1" in your package label.

Case Size video tutorial

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