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Connecticut BioTrack Cultivation Guide

This guide covers how to use Flourish cannabis cultivation software to manage your grow operation while syncing to BioTrack software.

NIr Malchy
Updated by NIr Malchy

Use this guide to work on your Grow module in Flourish Software.

Grouping & Organization

Flourish provides the following stages of organization. Each has a Plants screen and a Group screen. Drying and Processing have a Plants and Harvest screen.

  • Inventory: Where clones, seeds, and tissue culture barcodes are located
  • Mother: Where mother plants are located
  • Vegetation
  • Flower
  • Drying (Harvested plants)
  • Processing (Where we “cure” the plants)

The cultivation facility has Areas. The same area can handle more than one phase. Configure the Areas in Settings.

Area Type

Area Name




Prop Room 1


Prop Room 1


Flower Room 1


Drying Room


Drying Room

Within Flourish, we use groups to organize the plants and move them to new phases, new rooms, and to harvest. We can move plants between groups. Groups have one or more strains. We can also move an entire set of plants for a strain within a group to a new group. When we pull the data from BioTrack directly, we organize the plants into “default” groups: “Room Name - Strain Name.” Plants need to be moved out of these default groups to be acted on with all functions.

Group Naming

To best utilize the grouping feature, please define a group naming strategy. Whatever will be most meaningful to your operation. It is best to maintain consistency once a group naming convention has been established. Here are some recommendations:

  • Example 1: [Strain Name] - [Cycle] - SPR-23-001
  • Example 2: [Strain Name - Cut Date] - Fire OG Clones - 10-01-23
  • Example 3: [Strain Name - Room - Cut Date] - GG4 - Prop 1 - 10-4-23

Create Strains, Cultivation Items, and packages

In BioTrack clones, seeds, and tissue cultures are assigned a barcode (package ID) and stored within Inventory. You use the packages you create to create plants.

Before you create a plant, you need three things:

  1. Strains.
  2. Items of Clones/Seeds/Tissue Cultures.
  3. Packages of Clones/Seeds/Tissue Cultures.


You can create plants once you have a Clones/Seeds/Tissue Cultures package.

This article uses the example of a Clone Item, and the Seeds/Tissue Cultures process is the same.

Create strains

  1. Go to Manage Settings > Inventory > Strains > Create New Strain
  2. Type the Strain name.
  3. Type the Strain abbreviation.
  4. Fill in the other required fields as needed - Veg and Flowering days will give expected flowering and harvest timestamps if the number of days is set.
  5. Fill in any other optional fields as desired.
  6. Click Save.

Create Strain Video

You can use the bulk update to update and create the strains

Create Clone Items

You can create your Clone Items inventory in two ways.

Create a Strain-Specific Clone Item

  1. Go to Manage Settings > Inventory
  2. Go to Create New Item to create the new item with its associated strain.
  3. Use a consistent naming convention. Ex: “Clones - [Strain Name]”
  4. Inventory type: Cannabis.
  5. Class: Cultivation.
  6. Category: Clone - CT (The 'CT' is the State; In New York, it is 'NY', etc.)
  7. Select Strain
  8. Set the UOM. For clones, this is ‘Each
  9. Set the source type as ‘Immature Plants’.
  10. Click 'Save'.

Items are reusable for the next batch of clone cuttings of that strain.

Create a Clone item to use for any strain

You can also create a clone item with no strain designated and use it to create a package of clones of any strain.

  1. Go to Manage Settings > Inventory
  2. Go to Create New Item to create the new item with its associated strain.
  3. Use a consistent naming convention. Ex: “Clones - All Strains"
  4. Inventory type: Cannabis.
  5. Class: Cultivation.
  6. Category: Clone - CT (The 'CT' is the State; In New York, it is 'NY', etc.)
  7. DO NOT Select Strain
  8. Set the UOM. For clones, this is ‘Each
  9. Set the source type as ‘Immature Plants’.
  10. Click 'Save'.


Create a package of clones


Using a Strain-specific Item

Use the steps below to create a package of clones using the Strain-Specific Clone Item.

  1. Navigate the Cultivation Module Grow
  2. Find the Veg or Mother Group to cut plants from.
  3. Select the action drop-down: Package From Plants
  4. Chose the source info:
    1. Group.
    2. Strain within the group.
    3. Plant ID.
  5. Fill in the info to create:
    1. Select an item (Clone - Strain Name).
    2. Select the number of packages (barcodes) to create.
    3. Select the plants per package.
  6. Click Review & Confirm
  7. Select the details
    1. Area of New Pkg
    2. Created Date/Time
    3. Other details.
  8. Click Create New Package.

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Using An - "All Strains" Item

Use the steps below to create a package of clones using an item with no strain designated.

  1. Navigate the Cultivation Module Grow
  2. Find the Veg or Mother Group to cut plants from.
  3. Select the action drop-down: Package From Plants
  4. Chose the source info:
    1. Group.
    2. Strain within the group.
    3. Plant barcode.
  5. Fill in the info to create:
    1. Select the item “Clones - All Strains".
    2. Select the Item Strain.
    3. Select the number of packages (barcodes) to create.
    4. Select the plants per package.
  6. Click Review & Confirm
  7. Select the details
    1. Area of New Pkg
    2. Created Date/Time
    3. Other details.
  8. Click Create New Package.

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Create Plants from Clones, Seeds, and Tissue Culture

We will pull from Inventory and create plant barcodes for individual plants. Within Flourish, all plants are part of a Group. Groups are useful for organizing the cultivation operation and moving plants in bulk between phases and locations. You can split, combine, and rename groups as needed.

  • Define a group naming convention
  • Ensure at least one area is created within each phase
  1. Navigate to the Inventory screen in Flourish and find the barcode of clones/seeds/tissue culture that you are going to plant into
  2. Use the Action /Create plants. This is equivalent to clicking New Plant under Shortcuts in BioTrack
    biotrack seed to sale
  3. Fill out the screen (see screenshot below).
    1. Type Total Plants.
      This number can not exceed the “Available” quantity in the source package/barcode. See the screenshot below.
    2. Plant Strain is selected according to the source.
    3. Phase (Vegetative, Mother, Flowering)
    4. Group - New or add to Existing Group
    5. Choose an Area (Room in BioTrack)
    6. Select Create Date/Time.
  4. Click Proceed
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Change Strains

If a plant was accidentally assigned the wrong strain, it can be easily corrected.

  1. Select one or more plants from the Vegetative or Flower plant grid
  2. From the action menu, click "Change Strain"
  3. Within the Change Plant Strain modal, select the correct Strain
  4. Click "Update # plant(s)"
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Change Items

You can change the item's name if the wrong item was selected on a new package creation.

  1. Find the barcode or item name to be changed in the All-Packages Grid of Flourish.
  2. Select Action/Change Item
  3. Select your new item from the drop-down menu.
  4. Click Proceed.

Please note: when changing item names, the new item has to be of the same category and strain designation as the old item. If you are using custom categories, please ensure your old and new item categories match with your custom category or product type.

Move plants: Locations and growing phases

BioTrack has no designation between vegetative, mother, or flowering growth stages or locations. These actions will update the “Room” for the plants.

  • In Flourish we create Areas for each phase

Move Plants
  1. Move an entire Group
  2. Move part of a group using Split Group
  3. Move a set of plants, which will call the Split Group screen

Move an entire Group:

  1. Select a Group
  2. Use the menu Action to move it
  3. Select the Destination Phase and Area
  4. Confirm. This will update the room in BioTrack for all plants within the group

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Move part of a group using Split Group:

  1. Select the Group
  2. Use the menu Action to move it
  3. Split by Plant or by Strain for multi-strain groups
  4. Choose a New Name, Phase, and Location
  5. Click Split Group to update the plant areas

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Move a set of plants:

  1. Select one or more plants from the plant grid
  2. Use the menu Action to move them
    1. This will open up the Split Group screen which shows what plants you are moving
  3. Select the Date
  4. Choose a New or Existing group
  5. Choose the Name (new group), Phase, and Area
  6. Click Split Group to move these plants
    1. In BioTrack the area will be updated, if different.

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Destroy Plants

Plants must be scheduled for destruction and then destroyed.

  1. Select one or more plants from the Vegetative Plants or Flowering Plants grid or from Inventory Module > "Plants" drop-down menu > All Plants grid.
    You can hold Shift and click multiple rows.
  2. Navigate to the Action menu and click "Schedule Destroy"
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  1. You will see the plants “Scheduled for Destruction
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You can also Scan plants or Search here to add more to this screen
  1. Fill out the Required fields:
    1. Destroy Date
    2. Note
    3. Pick a reason from the drop-down
  2. Select the plants scheduled for destruction and click “Destroy Plants” in the action menu
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  1. Use the modal to Destroy

Log Plant Waste

Plant waste is recorded on a plant group basis

  1. Select the Vegetative or Flowering Group
  2. Navigate to the action menu, click "Record Waste"
  3. From the Record Waste modal enter the Required fields:
    1. Waste Weight
    2. Date
  4. Click "Record Waste for Group"
All plant waste logs can be found under the Plant sub-module within Inventory as seen below
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BioTrack Harvest

Regular Harvest Workflow

This is the typical workflow of cutting down the plants to harvest them.

Schedule Harvest
  1. Select a Flower Group and click Create a Harvest from the action menu
  2. Choose the Drying Room
  3. Provide a Harvest Name
  4. Chose the Date/Time to harvest
  5. Click “Harvest
    1. In BioTrack this “Schedules the Harvest” and “Moves” the Plants to this location



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Log Wet Weights

Now proceed to log the wet weights for the plants.

Settings: This is the appropriate configuration for the screen

  1. Go to Settings
  2. Select Configuration
  3. For multiple facilities, select the Cultivation facility
  4. Locate the Harvest card and use this setup:
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What do the settings mean?

In Flourish - Harvest Log Column

In BioTrack


Display Editable Ref Column


Optional. Used for internal purposes. Not sent to BioTrack. 

Wet Flower

Flower Wet Weight


Wet Trim

Other Material


Wet Waste




  1. Select the Harvest Group.
  2. Click "Edit Harvest Wet Weights"
  3. Enter the weight(s) as needed in the Harvest Log
  4. You can enter multiple lines by clicking “+Add New Record” if weighing the plants in batches. You’ll see the total weight at the top right of the screen. 
  5. Click Done.
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Submit Wet Weights from Flourish to “Harvest” in BioTrack

Once the wet weights are logged, we must submit them to BioTrack.

  1. Click “Sync Harvest” at the top left of the screen
  2. Verify the weights are as expected
  3. Click on the "Strain(s)" to sync. You’ll see the row turn green. 
  4. Click “Proceed with Sync

Sync Harvest Screen

Corresponding BioTrack Screen

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Submit weights/sync video

Move the Harvest in Flourish to Processing

When we’re ready to record the dry weights.

  1. Select a Harvest Group and click "Move Harvest" from the action menu
  2. Select a Destination Area
  3. Choose a Move date/time
  4. Click "Confirm Move"
Log Dry Weights
Settings: This is the appropriate configuration for the screen.

  1. Go to Settings
  2. Select Configuration
  3. For multiple facilities, select the Cultivation facility
  4. Locate the Processing card and use this setup:
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What do the settings mean?

Harvest Log Column

In BioTrack


Display Editable Ref Column


Optional. Used for internal purposes. Not sent to BioTrack. 

Dry Flower

Flower Wet Weight


Dry Trim

Other Material


Dry Waste



Record Dry Weights

  1. Select Processing Harvest Group
  2. Click "Edit Harvest Dry Weights"
  3. Enter the weight(s) as needed in the Harvest Log
  4. Click Done.
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You can enter multiple lines by clicking “+Add New Record” if weighing the dry material in batches. You’ll see the total weight at the top right of the screen.
Dry Weights video

Cure Harvest into Inventory

You “Cure” the Harvest to create inventory from previously logged dry weights.

  1. Click “Cure” at the top left of the harvest log
  2. Click “Proceed” to confirm
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  1. For reference, after clicking the 'Cure' button in BioTrack:

  2. Harvest Log with Cure Completed
  • This is a “Final” action in BioTrack
  • This does the following:
    • Records the weights across all plants
    • Marks them as cured
    • Creates a package in inventory of Flower for the total Dry Flower with Item name of “Flower - Strain Name
    • Creates a package in inventory of Other Plant Material for the total Dry Trim with Item name of “Other Plant Material - Strain Name
    • Creates a waste entry for the total Waste, and a package in inventory of Waste with Item name of “Waste - Strain Name

You can see these in the Harvest Packages

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Also visible in Inventory

Manicure Harvest Flow


The Next Step

The next Step - BioTrack Inventory.

How did we do?

Connecticut BioTrack Inbound

Connecticut BioTrack Manifest Requirements
