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New York BioTrack Drivers and Vehicles

Florida BioTrack Driver and Vehicle configuration requirements.

Admin CG
Updated by Admin CG
This document is specific to the New York BioTrack STS Integration for Flourish Software.

Drivers and Vehicles are required to push a manifest to New York's BioTrack State Traceability System. The BioTrack system requires several attributes to successfully sync the data.


Navigate to Settings > Distribution > Drivers to configure drivers within Flourish Software.

Required Fields:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Email
  • Birth Date
  • Hire Date


Navigate to Settings > Distribution > Vehicles to configure vehicles within Flourish Software.

Required Fields:

  • Vehicle Display Name: This is displayed in the drop-down menu when creating a manifest
  • Make
  • Model
  • Year
  • Color
  • License Plate Number
  • Permit Number
  • VIN

Not In Sync?

The vehicle or driver should be "In Sync" in the list.

If you filled all the mandatory details, and the vehicle, for example, is not in sync, you can fix that.

For companies that have facilities that are integrated with BioTrackand other facilities that are not;

Check if the vehicle record URL had a Flourish facility ID. This facility ID may not be synced to BioTrack.

To fix that:

  1. Put a facility ID in sync with BioTrack in the vehicle record URL.
  2. Click the new URL and wait for it to change and reload.
  3. Save.

Here is a quick video:

How did we do?

New York BioTrack User Management

New York BioTrack Inventory Categories and Mapping
