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Connecticut BioTrack Inbound

Sync transfers from BioTrack and receive packages into your Flourish Inventory.

NIr Malchy
Updated by NIr Malchy

Sync transfers

After you receive the Transfer in BioTrack, sync it to Flourish Software by following the steps below:

  1. Go to Inbound/Transfers to access the "Inbound Transfers" screen
  2. To Sync the transfers, click "Sync from BioTrack" .

Flourish Software automatically Syncs the transfers you receive in BioTrack every 24 hours.

After you synced the Transfer from BioTrack, you can search for a transfer by:

  • Manifest ID
  • Shipper Name/Licence
  • Package ID
    Inbound Transfers screen in Flourish Software

Receive packages

Converting packages when you inbound
  1. Go to Inbound/Transfers to access the "Inbound Transfers" screen
  2. Locate the Transfer and click on the number under the MANIFEST column.
  3. Check the box next to the line item on the Transfer.
  4. Click Receiving.
  5. Select the Purchase Order.
  6. Select the corresponding order line for the PO ITEM. If the PO ITEM is different from the ITEM:
  7. Note the green tag icon - this icon displays when you select a different item than the item you inbound. It means you will convert the package from the item on the transfer to the item in your selected purchase order line.
  8. Click Assign & receive to PO.
  9. In the Convert Package screen, Select the New Tag.
  10. Click Proceed.
  11. Type the data you need in the Confirm new package screen.
  12. Click Create New Package.
  13. Click Confirm to Confirm the Package Replacement.
  14. Print the label if you need to.
  15. Click on the PO number to go to the Purchase order, where you can edit:

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Connecticut BioTrack Cultivation Guide
