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Inventory Management

The Inventory Module allows you to organize all Cannabis and Non-Cannabis inventory, run inventory counts and audit logs, & lock and unlock specific items. METRC sync available. Inventory Module Navi…

The Inventory Module allows you to organize all Cannabis and Non-Cannabis inventory, run inventory counts and audit logs, & lock and unlock specific items. METRC sync available.

Inventory Module Navigation




Dropdown menu of Actions for Inventory Items

  • Adjust Qty: Adjust quantity of inventory items. Leave detailed notes for discrepancies, like accidental spoilage
  • Create lab sample: Split packages to take small lab samples. Lock the original package to hold for quality assurance.
  • Create packages: Split large packages into smaller packages for retail, like splitting a wholesale order of pre-rolls into individual joints. 
  • Global Inventory: See the inventory of items in multiple retail locations
  • Lock Package: Lock packages for quality assurance, or to hold for special orders. Unlock to return the item to general inventory.
  • Mark as sample: Create samples to deduct from inventory without creating a sales order. 
  • Print package label: Print package label.
  • Record a lab result: Record lab results, such as potency, terpenes, heavy metals testing, etc. 
  • See history: See the history of an item, such as when it was received into your facility, and the original wholesale package the item originated from.




Filter view columns 


Export data to Excel

Terms to Know

Inventory Count module uses the following terms:




Items that are Assigned or packed in bags for Pickup or Delivery orders. In Flourish, these items are also Unlocked


Items that are available for sale. In Flourish they are referred to as Unlocked. The physical boxes have been opened and items are available for sale. Flourish updates the Inventory module with the Available value when the count is Completed.  

Not Available 

Items that are Not Available for sale. In Flourish they are referred to as Locked. The physical boxes remain closed until items are ready for sale. 

The Inventory module serves many purposes, but basically boils down to two main functions.

  1. Reviewing, reporting or monitoring your current inventory of both cannabis and non-cannabis items.
  2. Creating new inventory by using three different options; From Packages; From Blended Oils and From Bill of Materials.

The default view when you first enter the Inventory screen is your current listing of available cannabis inventory. We have also added a search bar to easily, search items by Package ID, SKU Name or Item Name. This data set can be sorted and filtered by one of the many columns of attributes regarding your inventory. At any point when you have your all packages data sorted, filtered and sub-filtered you can export to a Comma-Separated Values file (".CSV") at any time.

By using the green equalizer widget next to "All Packages", a user can custom sort the columns in whichever order they prefer and turn any of them off if they don't need to be used.

Creating Inventory

Creating inventory is one of the main components of the Flourish Software platform. There are three ways to create inventory in Flourish:

  1. From Packages – When you create inventory From Packages you can do one of two things; break larger packages down into smaller packages and create new source packages. The From Packages screen has two initial steps a review and then a final confirmation.Typically, four high-level processes are involved in creating inventory from packages:
    1. Select the Item of the new inventory you are about to create or breakdown. Then select the strain if the item is strain specific, the numbers of packages and the weight or quantity of each package.
    2. The second step is to select the source package from which you are removing inventory from in order to create the new packages. You select from a drop-down list (sorted by FIFO – Oldest package is listed first) or you can search by the last four digits of the package. Once you have the correct package selected you can click buttons to consumer the entire amount of the source package or only the required quantity based on the number of packages x quantity per package in step 1.
    1. Review – This is on the same screen as steps one and two and is asking you to review the quantities that you are creating and consuming. If there is a variance in the case of extraction or production, you will need to acknowledge the differential and can choose to have the differential deposited into the Waste Log. If you have the state tracking system integration turned on (e.g. - METRC), here is where you will select the next sequence of new packages tags that will be assigned to the newly created packages and automatically reported back to the state system.
    2. Confirm New Packages – This is the final step to creating new packages of inventory. On this screen you can fill out or add the following data points for this transaction:
  • Created Time/Date Stamp
  • Area/Location of where the new packages will be located
  • LOT/Batch # - Assign your own internal batch or lot number
  • Reference Notes – free form notes for instructions for this package
  • Processing Duration – Time captured if this was an extraction or production
  • Temperature – same as above
  • Pressure – same as above
  • Equipment Code – log the machine or equipment used to make these packages
  • Ref Field 2 – Open-ended note (e.g. Person's initials who weighed the cannabis or actually operated the equipment)
  • Ref Field 3 – same as above

  1. From Blending Oils – Users can select their item, number of packages and quantity per package. You can also select up to two source packages and add their appropriate quantities to blend which will create a new package. The system will automatically calculate the appropriate quantity of each package based on percentages of THC/CBD of each package and the desired results. (e.g. 2 to 1 ratio THC to CBD) After selecting a tag number, you can review and confirm. To view your newly created item, you can select "All Inventory" from the Inventory Submodule.
  1. From Bill of Materials – Users can select the item, strain, number and quantity along with bill of materials for creating new packages. Once all of the base line criteria has been entered, the BOM components will show (see below) the expected amount to be consumed, the amount you actually have on hand. If any of your components don't have sufficient levels of inventory the system will not let you process and put any items into a negative count. Finally, users can edit the allocation quantity of the components for that item. After selecting a tag number, you can review and confirm. To view your newly created item, you can select "All Inventory" from the Inventory Submodule.

Confirmation Screen – Just like the From Packages option, when creating your new packages using the Bill of Materials you will also get a final Confirmation screen where you can enter:

  • Created Time/Date Stamp
  • Area/Location of where the new packages will be located
  • LOT/Batch # – Assign your own internal batch or lot number
  • Reference Notes – free form notes for instructions for this package
  • Processing Duration – Time captured if this was an extraction or production
  • Temperature – same as above
  • Pressure – same as above
  • Equipment Code – log the machine or equipment used to make these packages
  • Ref Field 2 – Open-ended note (e.g. Person's initials who weighed the cannabis or actually operated the equipment)
  • Ref Field 3 – same as above

Newly Created Packages

Now that you have created some new packages in inventory using one of the three options above, your next option might be to take a small quantity from the package and create a new package that can be for Lab Testing, Trade Samples and Internal QC Samples.

Lab Samples - From the Action drop-down menu next to the package, select Create Lab Sample. This will open the same screen as From Packages. Here is will ask you to verify the number of packages and quantity of each package that will be sent out for lab testing.After you have created your new lab sample, the best practice is to lock the package, so it doesn't accidentally end up in an Outbound Sales Order or as part of new package creation before the testing results come back. When you lock the package, you can select from a list of reason codes for the lock. In this case we would want one in the system called Quarantine. (Reason codes for inventory locking can be created by going to Manage Settings > Inventory > Items > Inventory Lock Codes). Once the lab results have been returned, they can be recorded by selecting Record a Lab Result on the Action drop down menu next to the original package (not the lab sample)If the lab results come back positive, you can unlock the original package by selecting "unlock" from Action drop-down menu of the applicable package.

Trade and QC Samples – These two samples are created by using the Adjust Quantify option from the Action drop down menu next to your package. After you adjust what you want the new quantity to be, the software will make the calculation for you and then you can select from a drop-down list of Reason Codes, two of which are Trade and QC samples.

Managing Inventory

Users can manage inventory through the Inventory Counts Submodule within the Inventory Module.Inventory Counts allows the user to view a snapshot of the following information:

  • Total packages/counted
  • Total Non-Cannabis lines/lines counted
  • Total discrepancies

Package-specific information as well:

  • SKU Name
  • Package ID
  • Expected QTY
  • Actual QTY
  • Adjustment codes
  • Notes

Package History

Package history can be easily viewed within your Inventory module.

Click any package to view it's history 

Quickly navigate between Ancestry or Descendants

Export the package history to Excel 

Managing Waste

Users can manage their waste through the waste log functionality which can be found under the Inventory Submodule dropdown. Once in the Waste Log a user can choose to dispose of the waste for tracking or compliance reasons.Users can export all data to Excel 

Inventory Counts

Inventory counts are a best practice, and often a regulatory requirement. Flourish provides the following method to conduct an inventory count. 


  • Inventory counts currently are done on a "Frozen" manner, thus it is recommended to count when there is no inventory movement
  • You do not have to do a full physical count. If the user doesn't enter a value in the Counted Quantity, the item or package will be marked as not counted. 


  1. Navigate to the Inventory > Inventory Counts screen
  2. If you have permissions enabled (generally manager level), click "Start Count)
  3. At this point the count freezes a snapshot of the current on hand inventory
  4. Users will fill in the counted quantity for each package or item
    1. Available Quantity is active inventory
    2. Non-Available Quantity is any quantity that is locked or assigned to a purchase
  5. Once complete, move the count to Pending status and save
  6. A manager can then review the count and make any adjustments if needed by selecting the adjustment code and entering a comment
  7. The count can then be moved to Complete status. At this time all adjustments are finalized and the count is complete

Inventory Adjustment

Inventory within Flourish can be adjusted using the Inventory module. 

  • First, select the facility where the inventory is located from the drop-down list at the top of the Flourish web app. 

  • Next, find the package you want to adjust and select the Action drop-down to its left.
  • Choose Adjust Qty.
  • Within the Adjust Quantity modal, you must first select an Adjustment Code Reason
  • NOTE: Flourish has pre-configured adjustment codes available for users.
    • Users can also create their own new adjustment codes as well.
    • All adjustments can easily be edited or configured to meet the User's needs.
    • Users can navigate to this functionality from the Inventory Module and Items sub-module within Manage Settings under User Profile.
  • Next, enter the New Quantity in the middle-right section of the modal and notice the Quantity to Adjust field calculated for you.
  • Add any relevant Comments and click Save.
  • New package quantities will now be reflected in the Inventory module.

Lab Testing Results

Flourish provides a repository for all testing results. Test results can be associated to a Lot Number (Batch Code) or to a specific Package ID. 

All Lab Results can be found in the Inventory Module > Lab Results Sub Module. Lab results tied to a package can also be linked to from the respective package. 

To log a lab result, either choose "Record a lab result" from the Package Action Menu or navigate to Inventory > Lab Results and select the package and chose "Record a lab result" from the Actions button on the top right. 


  • Required:
    • Is Final Result for Source Pacakage - useful if you record multiple tests against a package. This is the default flag and the "official" lab result
    • Record against a Lot Number or a Package ID
    • Select the respective Lot Number or Package ID
    • Choose the Lab from the list defined in the Laboratory Master in settings
    • THC Content
    • CBD Content
    • Analyzed Date
    • Pass/Fail/In Progress Status
  • Optional
    • Choose one or more Sample Package IDs to associate to the result
    • Fill in additional CBD-A, CBD, THC-A, Pesticide Pass, Solvents Pass attributes (expanding these in 2019)
    • Upload up to three PDFs from the lab

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