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2021.11.30 Software Release 4.49.0

VERSION 4.49.0 SUMMARY OF RELEASED ITEMS Admin. Destinations: Added Company Phone number. Vendors: Added notes to vendors. Inventory. Packages: Ability to carry over package attributes and reference…

VERSION 4.49.0



  1. You can configure which fields you want to carry over from parent to child packages when creating new packages!
  2. Inventory Counts - Export to Excel a Completed count.


  1. Destinations: Added Company Phone number.
  2. Destinations and Vendors: Added a Notes section to the Vendor and Destination contacts.
  3. Destinations and Vendors Contacts: Added a Notes section.


  1. Leaflink: Updating Requested Delivery Date in Flourish updates Ship Date in Leaflink.
  2. QuickBooks Online:
    Payment Terms now sync for invoices!
    Company Phone number sync to QuickBooks Online!



  1. Packages: Ability to carry over package attributes and reference fields.

This one is a big-time saver!

You can configure which fields you want to carry over from parent to child packages in any instance of creating new packages.

This feature eliminates a lot of double data entry and enables you to keep track of essential attributes like Use By Date or Production Date along with each package.

By default, the Inherit fields are Off. Make sure to toggle the fields you need On!

To configure which fields you want to carry over:

  • Go to Settings > Configuration and find the 'Inherit package attributes on package creation' sub-section under the Inventory section
  • Toggle on the fields you want to be inherited.
  • Don't forget to Save.

The toggled ON fields will always be inherited as you create any packages from a parent package.

How does it work with more than one source package? Click to expand:
The new package inherits the package attributes that are the same for all the source packages.
For example:
1. Ref field 1 inherit is On in Settings > Configuration> 'Inherit package attributes on package creation.'
2. There is more than one source package.
3. Only if all source packages Ref field 1 is 'Dream', the new package Ref field 1 will be 'Dream.' Otherwise, the Ref field 1 will be empty for the new package.

  1. Inventory Counts - Export to Excel a Completed count.

Export to excel what you need to view on the document!

to do that:

  • Go to Inventory > Inventory Counts.
  • Select a Completed Inventory count.
  • Select if you want to export All | Counted | Discrepancy only
  • Click


  1. Destinations: Added Company Phone number to destinations

You can now add a Company Phone Number to all your destinations!

  1. Destinations and Vendors: Added a Notes section to the Vendor and Destination screen and contacts.

Do you have any delivery preferences, standard communication notes, or other highlights you want to log for your vendors? Now you can do that via Vendor Notes in Flourish! Go to Settings > Distribution > Vendors, and add your notes to any of your vendors in the Vendor Notes field.

  1. Destinations and Vendors Contacts: Added a Notes section.

You can also add notes to a Contact of a Vendor and Destination. Just add or edit a New Point of Contact against a Destination/Vendor, and you will be able to add notes to that contact.


  1. Sales - Order Pull Report / Picklist: whether you're looking for pre-allocated or unallocated stock, view a list of orders sorted by Area, Location, and Item to drive fulfillment efficiency.
  2. Sales - Last Purchase History: get a quick view of which customers have last ordered along with their total sales over the period.
  3. Sales - Summary Sales Trends by Category: analyze category and item sales trends over time.


  1. Leaflink: Updating Requested Delivery Date in Flourish updates Ship Date in Leaflink

We are creating more automation for our Leaflink integration! When you update the Requested Delivery Date on an existing Flourish order, it will auto-update the Ship Date in Leaflink.

  1. QuickBooks Online:
    Payment Terms now sync for invoices: We are now syncing Payment Terms on any invoice synced to QBO. If you have a
    Payment Term in Flourish Software but not in QuickBooks Online, the system creates it in QuickBooks Online for you!
    Company Phone number sync to QuickBooks Online!

How did we do?

2021.11.16 Software Release 4.48.0

2021.12.14 Software Release 4.50.0
