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Inventory: Package Attributes

Package attributes are essential when using cannabis inventory software. Flourish allows you to assign various package attributes on the Inventory > All Packages grid. These attributes are utilized on elements for your label templates to help keep you compliant and maintain organized data for your packaged inventory.

NIr Malchy
Updated by NIr Malchy

In Flourish, you can assign various package attributes on the Inventory > All Packages grid. These attributes are utilized on elements for your label templates to help keep you compliant and maintain organized data for your packaged inventory.

Edit Package Attributes

  1. Go to Inventory > All Packages.
  2. Next to your package ID, click the "Action" dropdown menu and select "Edit Attributes".
    Action / Edit Attributes
  3. Here, you can add/edit important attributes, such as "Use by Date," "Top 3 Terpenes," and "Top 3 Cannabinoids."
    Edit package attributes on the All Packages grid
  4. Make your desired edits before clicking "Save."

Managing Top 3 Cannabinoids and Terpenes

Cannabinoids can be measured in percent (%) or in milligrams per unit (mg/unit).
Terpenes are only measured in milligrams per unit (mg/unit).

While editing the package attributes, you either select an existing cannabinoid or terpene from the dropdown lists, or you can add a new one.

To select an existing cannabinoid or terpene, click the dropdown menu next to the element field and select the desired result analyte.

Selecting an existing cannabinoid element.

To create a new cannabinoid or terpene, click the "Add new" button next to the header. Then, type in the name of the analyte and click the green check mark to save it; or you can click the 'x' to cancel the action.

Adding a new cannabinoid analyte to the dropdown menu on package attributes.
Currently, you cannot use any special characters in these fields (e.g., the delta symbol "Δ").

Once you are done making your edits, click "Save" to save them. After clicking "Save," Flourish will automatically sort the cannabinoids and terpenes from the highest to lowest value.

You cannot edit or delete a cannabinoid or terpene analyte after saving it. Please contact our Support team if you need help managing your existing cannabinoids or terpenes.

Auto Calculation and inheritance

  • These Package Attributes can be inherited from their source package/lot by configuring this in your Settings > Configurations. Learn more here.
  • The "Use By Date" attribute can be automatically set based on your item's rules. Learn how to use this feature here.

Package Attributes in the Label Maker

You can use the attributes saved for a package in the label maker to create templates for your labels and CYBRA MarkMagic®.

  1. Go to Settings > Facilities > Configure > Labels.
  2. Select "Package Labels" for the type.
  3. Select an existing label to edit, or click the next to "Template" to create a new label template.
  4. Under "Element Settings," you will find mapped elements for all the attributes EXCEPT "Serving Size" and "Extraction."
  5. Turn ON the elements that you wish to have on the label template.
    1. Do NOT toggle on "SHOW TITLE" for the cannabinoid or terpene elements. There are separate individual elements for the "Label" name (i.e. the name of the analyte) and "Value" (i.e. the value of the defined analyte).
      Do not click "SHOW TITLE" for the cannabinoid or terpene elements.
  6. Define your preferred settings for the element's font size and positioning on the label template.
  7. Click "Save" in the upper right corner of the page once you are done.
When creating your label template, it is recommended to do test prints with actual packages from your All Packages inventory. This way, you can make sure everything is accurate and looks right.

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