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Creating New Outbound Shipments (Non-METRC)

Follow these steps to initiate shipments of inventory leaving your facility: Click Outbound from the left side navigation. Click Shipment from the top ribbon. Click Create A Shipment from the drop-do…

NIr Malchy
Updated by NIr Malchy

Finding and Editing your Shipments

  1. Go to Outbound.
  2. Select Shipments > All Shipments.
  3. Use the filters and search line to locate the shipment.
  4. Click the Shipment ID to edit the shipment.

Creating a Shipment

  1. Go to Outbound.
  2. Click Shipments and select Create A Shipment.
  3. Select the appropriate fields:
    1. Driver (you can click New Driver to create a new driver).
    2. Second Driver (FL and MA require a second Driver).
    3. Vehicle (you can click New Vehicle to create a new vehicle).
    4. Distributor
    5. Time of Departure
  4. Click
  5. Click and come back to it later or proceed to Add Orders/Stops.

Adding Orders/Stops

  1. Click
  2. Select the sales order number from the drop-down menu under Order#.
  3. Set the Est. Arrival Time.
  4. Repeat steps 1 - 3 until all orders have been added to the shipment.
  5. Click and come back to it later or ship the shipment and print documents.
All available sales orders not on a shipping manifest are available in this dropdown menu. The most recently placed order is at the top.

Drag and drop the orders to change the order of the stops/orders

Ship Shipments and Print Documents

Ship the Shipment
  1. Look over the details. If everything looks correct, click
  2. Click Ship it or Ship it later.
  1. Click Export PDF to print the shipping manifest.
  2. Select the kind of manifest you want to print.
    1. Manifest by Package ID
    2. Manifest by Lot
  3. Click to print the COAs.

How did we do?

Outbound Order Discounts and Charges

Add, Edit and Delete Order Notes
