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METRC "External Transfer" - bring cannabis items into the METRC ecosystem.

"External Transfer" is a way to bring cannabis items into the METRC ecosystem. This feature is generally only available during the first 60 days of METRC's go-live. For example: You have "Blue Dream"…

NIr Malchy
Updated by NIr Malchy

"External Transfer" is a way to bring cannabis items into the METRC ecosystem. This feature is generally only available during the first 60 days of METRC's go-live. 

For example:

You have "Blue Dream" seeds you purchased before the METRC go-live, and you need to bring them into your inventory.

Here are the steps:

  1. Make an item in Flourish called "Blue Dream - Seeds - Bulk" and use your standardized naming convention. 
  2. Make sure the item has a Class and Category eligible to create plants. The Category must have the "Can Create Plants" toggled 'on'.
    If the Category is not mapped to a METRC Category, proceed to map the Category to a METRC category. Learn more here on Creating a Custom Category
  3. Sync the "Blue Dream - Seeds - Bulk" item with METRC.
  4. Go to METRC.
  5. Click the "Transfers" tab.
  6. Select "External Transfer."
  7. Select the items and create packages into METRC. 
  8. Go into Flourish once you have received the packages in METRC and click the "Sync METRC Packages" Button to bring those packages into Flourish. 

How did we do?

Troubleshooting Chrome Extension for METRC Transfers

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