METRC "External Transfer" - bring cannabis items into the METRC ecosystem.
"External Transfer" is a way to bring cannabis items into the METRC ecosystem. This feature is generally only available during the first 60 days of METRC's go-live.
For example:
You have "Blue Dream" seeds you purchased before the METRC go-live, and you need to bring them into your inventory.
Here are the steps:
- Make an item in Flourish called "Blue Dream - Seeds - Bulk" and use your standardized naming convention.
- Make sure the item has a Class and Category eligible to create plants. The Category must have the "Can Create Plants" toggled 'on'. If the Category is not mapped to a METRC Category, proceed to map the Category to a METRC category. Learn more here on Creating a Custom Category
- Sync the "Blue Dream - Seeds - Bulk" item with METRC.
- Go to METRC.
- Click the "Transfers" tab.
- Select "External Transfer."
- Select the items and create packages into METRC.
- Go into Flourish once you have received the packages in METRC and click the "Sync METRC Packages" Button to bring those packages into Flourish.