Florida BioTrack Delivery Devices

Updated by Admin CG

This document is specific to the Florida BioTrack STS Integration for Flourish Software

Florida requires MMTCs to dispense certain cannabis accessories used to consume cannabis to the Florida Medical Marijuana User Register (MMUR). These are called "Delivery Devices."

Example: A bong, a vape pen battery, etc.

Item Set-up for Delivery Devices

  • These devices should be set up as "Cannabis" inventory type.
  • Map these items to the "Delivery Device" category for BioTrack

Receiving for Delivery Devices

[Fill in]

Managing for Delivery Devices in Inventory

This inventory is managed in the All Packages screen in the same manner as the cannabis inventory.

Dispensing Delivery Devices at Retail

This inventory is sold the same way as cannabis inventory.

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