Manufacturing Work Orders with BOMs

Updated by Admin CG

Manufacturing Runs and Work Orders

  • Use Manufacturing Runs to create cannabis products with both cannabis and non-cannabis inventory. Select multiple inputs and outputs.
  • Use a Work Order to streamline the process using a Bill Of Materials. Select the Item to create and load the corresponding BOM to get the list of the input ingredients.

Creating, Scheduling, and Completing Work Orders using BOMs

Go to the Manufacturing Module to create and schedule work orders, which call an Item Bill of Materials and scheduled manufacturing work.

Use this to create a batch record of manufacturing activities and easily consume inputs.

Access the Work Orders Screen

  1. Go to the Manufacturing Module.
  2. Click "Create Work Order".
Create Work Order

Define the Work Order

Select a Run Type and Machine/Workstation to document the work and ensure control over production processes, traceability, and compliance with GMP by standards. Keeping records of equipment and processes is a best practice for product quality and safety and allows you to isolate risks and recalls if needed.

  1. Define a Work Order Name to easily reference the job later.
  2. Select the optional Scheduled Date to schedule this run and display the date in the All Runs screen.
  3. Choose a Run Type to indicate the process.
  4. Choose the Machine (or Workstation) to document where the work takes place.
  5. Set up your Lot Number ahead of time.
  6. Use the Sequence, Notes, Reference Fields, etc., to report on and capture additional data
  7. You can click CREATE and SAVE to save the work.
    Define The Work Order

Scheduling Work Orders

Choose a Scheduled Date for the work order. You can select the Date and the Time. Use Flourish's Analytics Module to pull a work schedule and view the related manufacturing dashboards.

Click the SCHEDULED column header to sort the dates in this column.

Click the SCHEDULED column header

Select Item and BOM

  1. Choose an Item to Make
    Only Cannabis items with BOMs defined will appear in the list. We plan to enable the selection of non-cannabis items with BOMs.
  2. Choose the BOM to use. Flourish supports multiple BOMs for an item. For example, if you change a component or if you have variable batch sizes.
  3. Enter to the Total Planned Qty to Make. This defines the required input amounts based on the BOM.
  4. Enter the Number of New Pkgs and Quantity per Pkg (g). Click the sign to enter another line of Number of New Pkgs and Quantity per Pkg (g).

Allocating Inventory

  • Each Package displays the Lot # and the quantity.
  • For components with a defined category but variable items, the Item selector displays the configured Category below it.
  • Choose quantities to pull from one or more packages per input.
  • When you allocate non-cannabis inventory, the inputs automatically save when you select the qty to assign to the work order.

In-Progress Management

  • Save the run at any point to return later.
  • Complete the run once all inputs are used and tasks are finished.

Complete Work Order

Make one or more packages of one or more sizes. The total output quantity can be larger or smaller than the Total Planned Qty to Make. The QTY TO USE can be larger or smaller than the REQ QTY to account for real-world variances. Costs will accumulate accordingly.

  • 1 Package for 1000 units
  • 10 Packages of 100 units for a total of 1000 units
  • 9 Packages of 100 units and 1 of 95 units for a total of 995 units

Review and Reports

See Flourish's Analytics module for additional reports and insights on top of this data set.

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