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Retail Pre-Orders, Backorders, and Replacement Orders

Cannabis retail point of sale pre-order, backorder, and replacement order flag within Flourish

Admin CG
Updated by Admin CG

Designate a retail order as one of the following to assist with internal reporting and support related business processes. There are options to flag the order within Flourish and filter on these within the Retail Module on the Web App. 3rd Party Integrators may leverage these flags when submitting or updating orders via the API.

Order Flag



This is an order for product that hasn't yet been released.


This is an order for product that is typically carried but currently out of stock. If the product is expected to be back in stock, this order can be fulfilled at that time.


If a customer received the wrong item or a defective item, this is an order to replace what was previously sold.

How did we do?

Retail - POS - Set default printers and print

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