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2022.11.29 Software Release 4.75.0

Version 4.75.0 Summary. Analytics Voided Transactions.. Reports Added Order ID and Customer Name to the Till Detail Report. Added returned packages to the Inventory Control Report.. Auditing Return dā€¦

NIr Malchy
Updated by NIr Malchy

Version 4.75.0


  1. Analytics
    1. Voided Transactions
  2. Reports
    1. Added Order ID and Customer Name to the Till Detail Report
    2. Added returned packages to the Inventory Control Report
  3. Auditing
    1. Return details on Order Activity Logs.
  4. Scanner
    New technical updates to eliminate issues with simultaneous scanning.
  5. External API
    Added Strain ID to the GetItem and GetItems endpoints.
  6. Inventory
    Expanded the width of the dropdown on the Create Inventory from a Bill of Materials screen.
  7. Integrations
    1. Support for METRC in Mississippi
    2. Support for METRC in Rhode Island



Voided Transactions report

This is related to the void a retail transaction functionality. This analytics report to display the voided transactions.

  1. Go to Analytics.
  2. Select Reports/Retail.
  3. Click "View Report" next to Voided Transactions.


Added Order ID and Customer Name to the Till Detail report.

  1. Go to Reports.
  2. Select Point of Sale.
  3. Click View Report next to Till Report.
  4. Click on the name of the Till to enter the "Till Detail" screen.
  5. Scroll to the right to see the new columns. This will be very helpful for reconciliation.
Added returns to the Inventory Control Report

You can return packages for Retail or Outbound orders. To see the returns:

  1. Go to Reports.
  2. Select Inventory.
  3. The reports "Inventory Control" and "Inventory Details" include returned packages.
    "Inventory Control"
    "Inventory Details"


Returns details on Order Activity Logs.

Outbound Order Activity Logs now include the details of returns.


We had several cases where users scanned tags to allocate to orders simultaneously, which caused issues. We added a technical restriction to prevent errors with simultaneously scanning within the same facility on the mobile or web app. Users will not see any changes.

External API

We added Strain ID to the GetItem and GetItems endpoints. See full documentation here: Flourish Software API.


We expanded the width of the dropdown on this screen to more easily see items with long names:

How did we do?

2022.09.07 Software Release 4.69.0

2022.09.20 Software Release 4.70.0
