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Retail POS Complete a Purchase

After you've created your order and then fulfilled it, you're ready to check out your customer. Complete the purchase by following these steps.

After you've created your order and fulfilled it, you're ready to check out your customer. Accepting payment for an order happens in the point of sale application.


Make sure your payment methods are enabled. You can turn these on in Admin > Facilities > CONFIGURE > Payment Methods.

Payment methods like CanPay and Hypur will require additional information like Merchant ID and API Token. If you do not have this information, please contact your payment processor.


  1. In the POS, navigate to Queue > In-Store > Check Out.
  2. Locate the order, then click the Checkout button.
  3. If the order looks correct, click the Pay button.
  1. Click the Select a Till dropdown to select the correct Till.
  2. Select the preferred payment method and enter the amount to be paid. To charge a debit card follow the steps here.
You can also click the buttons shown in the image above. The last button in the list will always be for the amount due ($200.00 in the picture above). This button makes it easy when your customer is paying in exact cash!
  1. When you're done, click Submit Payment.


The checkout process for pickup orders is similar to the in-store checkout process. Pickup orders ready to receive payment are located in a different checkout queue.

  1. In the POS, navigate to Queue > Pickups.
  2. Locate your order, then click View Cart.
  3. Follow steps 3 - 6 here.


The checkout process for delivery orders is similar to the in-store checkout process. Deliveries ready to receive payment are located in a different checkout queue.

  1. In the POS, navigate to Queue > Deliveries.
  2. Locate your order, then click View Cart.
  3. Follow steps 3 - 6 here.

POSaBIT - Manual Charge a debit card

To collect payments via a debit card using POSaBIT - Manual please follow the steps below and the video:

  1. After selecting the Till, Select Manual Payment.
  2. On the Payment Method field select POSaBIT - Manual.
  3. Type the Payment Amount or click on the amount under Use Remaining Amount.
  4. Note the Projected Fee and the Projected Total.
  5. In the External Card Terminal enter the amount specified under Enter This Amount into the External Card Terminal
  6. Process the purchase In the External Card Terminal.
  7. Get the Transaction ID from the External Card Terminal.
  8. Type the Transaction ID to the POSaBIT - Manual Transaction ID field
  9. Click
POSaBIT Charge a Debit Card

See Recording a POSaBIT transaction.

To collect payments via a debit card using POSaBIT please follow the steps below and the video:

  1. After selecting the Till, select POSaBIT.
  1. Select Payment Terminal if needed. Learn more about setting up Payment Terminals here.
  2. Type the POSaBIT Amount or click on the amount under Remaining.
  3. Click .

Charge Aeropay - Manual

  1. After selecting the Till, Select Manual Payment.
  2. On the Payment Method field, select AeroPay - Manual.
  3. Type the Payment Amount or click on the amount under Use Remaining Amount.
  4. Get the Transaction ID from the customer or from the Aeropay Dashboard.
  5. Type the Transaction ID to the Aeropa - Manual Transaction ID field
  6. Click

Manual Credit Card charge

  1. After selecting the Till, Select Manual Payment.
  2. On the Payment Method field, select Credit Card.
  3. Type the Payment Amount or click on the amount under Use Remaining Amount.
  4. Get the Transaction ID from the customer or from the credit card terminal.
  5. Type the Transaction ID to the Credit Card Transaction ID field
  6. Click

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Fulfilling a Retail Order

Retail POS Create an In-Store Purchase
