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2022.10.04 Software Release 4.71.0

Version 4.71.0 Summary. Module Z First thing Blah one sentence. Something else Blah one sentence.. Module X Blah one sentence. Module Y Blah one sentence. Details. Module Z. First thing Blah one sent…

NIr Malchy
Updated by NIr Malchy

Version 4.71.0


  1. Outbound
    Outbound Order Invoice - Enhancing readability when printing in black and white.
  2. Chrome Extension for METRC Transfers
    The Flourish Chrome extension now supports METRC Maine.
  3. Retail
    1. Replace Customer - We have enhanced the search capabilities and customer information displayed.
    2. Export the Customer Purchase History.
  4. Rhode Island Retail
    We added the Estimated quantity in the cart display to help the budtender stay within the purchase limit.
  5. Destinations
    Lab management has been moved under Destinations.
  6. External API
    Adding filtering on external items.



Outbound Order Invoice: Many of our clients are printing black and white, and we adjusted some colors and fonts to clarify essential information on the invoice.  

Chrome Extension

The Flourish Chrome extension now supports METRC Maine. Learn more here about the Chrome Extension for METRC Transfers.


Replace Customer

We have enhanced the search capabilities and customer information displayed to make replacing customers on a retail purchase even easier. Learn more here.

Customer Purchase History

You asked, and now you can export the customer purchase history. Learn more here.

Rhode Island Retail

We added the Estimated qty in the cart display to help the budtender stay within the purchase limit.

The POS and web app display the following:

  • Max purchase allowed - for the past 14 days.
  • Estimated qty in the cart - based on the items' configured usable cannabis quantities and the order quantity of each.

If the Estimated qty in the cart is larger than the Max purchase allowed, the display turns red to alert the budtender:

Learn more about Rhode Island Retail.


To make managing Distribution more straightforward, Labs are now treated like any other destination type and are managed under the Destinations tab.

You can set the Destination Type to Laboratory when you create or edit a Destination.

External API

We added the is_external flag to work with the following calls:

  • Get Items.
  • Get Inventory.
  • Get Inventory Summary.

Learn more about Flourish External API.

How did we do?

2022.08.23 Software Release 4.68.0

2022.08.09 Software Release 4.67.0
