2022.08.09 Software Release 4.67.0

Updated by NIr Malchy

Version 4.67.0


  1. Database Upgrade!
    Flourish is keeping up with the latest database technology.
  2. LeafLink Integration
    1. Leaflink order updates.
    2. Leaflink orders cancellation syncs to Flourish.
  3. Manufacturing
    Display unit cost on manufacturing run outputs.
  4. Inventory
    Added SKU to inventory counts and the PDF export.
  5. Retail
    Added gift cards as a payment method.
  6. Analytics
    1. Added more data - Sales - Item Sales by Customer Details report.
    2. New report: Sales - Trade Sample Reports.
    3. New dashboards:
      1. Inventory Planning Summary
      2. Inventory Planning SKU
  7. METRC
    Record dry waste via the Action menu.


Database Upgrade!

In the interest of continuing to provide the highest service levels to our clients, on the night of Sunday, August 7, Flourish underwent scheduled maintenance to upgrade our database engine to maintain and enhance its performance and security.

We improved the process of syncing order updates made in Leaflink.

Order cancellation syncs to Flourish.

When your Leaflink client cancels their order, Flourish will cancel the corresponding order. Learn more here.


You asked, and we added the unit cost display to manufacturing run outputs for completed runs.


We got your feedback and added the display of the SKU to inventory counts and the PDF export.


We added gift cards as a payment method within our Retail Point of Sale product. Manually record a payment as a "Gift Card" and see the corresponding data in relevant retail reports.

Edit payment methods
  1. Go to Settings > All Facilities > Facility Settings > Payment Methods.
  2. Click Edit.
  3. Toggle On or Off the Payment Methods.
  4. Click Save.
Gift card payment

On the POS, you can enter a gift card payment as a manual payment:

  1. Select the Manual Payment box.
  2. Select Gift Card from the Payment Method dropdown.



We added more data to the Sales - Item Sales by Customer Details report:

  • Total Quantity Returned
  • Total Dollars Returned

Find it in Analytics / Sales - Item Sales by Customer Details report.

New Report

Trade Sample Reports

The report displays information on Trade Sample Packages and Trade Sample package adjustments.

Please find it in Analytics / Sales - Trade Sample Reports.

New Dashboards

Inventory Planning Summary.

The dashboard displays essential information to help plan capacity, procurement, and manufacturing for items made using a Bill of materials.

Please find it in Analytics / Dashboards / Inventory Planning Summary.

Inventory Planning SKU.

The dashboard displays essential information at the SKU level to help plan capacity, procurement, and manufacturing for a specific item made using a Bill of materials.

Please find it in Analytics / Dashboards / Inventory Planning SKU.

Learn more on both dashboards here.


Dry waste via the Action Menu

Log the total dry waste using the "Record Waste" menu option.

You cannot record waste on the harvest log, but it updates when you record the waste via the action menu.

Learn more here on Recording Waste for Harvests (METRC).

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