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Retail POS Printing Customer Labels

Print customized labels for your customer's products. Often this is a regulatory requirement.

After you've fulfilled an order, you can print customized labels for your customer's products. Customer labels can include fields like customer name, physician name, product name, and quantity, depending on how they're configured.

Check out our label setup page for details on creating custom labels, and learn how to print them below.

From the POS

  1. In Flourish POS, locate and open the order.
  2. Click the Print Customer Labels button in the bottom-right of the screen.
  3. Check all the items and packages you'd like to print labels for. All items are checked by default.
  4. Update the number of labels you'd like to print per package in the # of labels field.
By default, Flourish will print one label for each item on the order.
  1. Select the label printer you'd like to use from the Send Label(s) To dropdown.
  2. When everything looks good, click Print.

From the Web

  1. In Flourish, navigate to Retail > Purchases and locate the order.
  2. Click on the purchase ID to open the order.
  3. In the bottom right-hand corner, select the Print Customer Labels button.
  4. Select the label printer you'd like to use from the Send Label(s) To dropdown.
  5. When everything looks good, click Print.
  6. Check all the items and packages you'd like to print labels for. All items are checked by default.
  7. Update the number of labels you'd like to print per package in the # of labels field.

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Creating a Retail Delivery Route

Customer Deliveries (Non-METRC)
