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Set The Unit Weight for Packages of Items with UOM of 'Each'

Flourish Software Does not send the package Unit Weight to METRC. Must Read. Why set the Unit Weight? We developed this feature for clients who report to external systems that are not METRC, such as…

NIr Malchy
Updated by NIr Malchy

Flourish Software Does not send the package Unit Weight to METRC.

Must Read

Why set the Unit Weight?

We developed this feature for clients who report to external systems that are not METRC, such as MMUR. Sometimes, when creating new 'Each' items, the new package's Unit Weight differs from the item's Unit Weight. With this feature, our clients can accurately test and report the amount of cannabis dispensed for a specific package they sold.


The only compliance related to the package-level unit weight:

  • Print as Unit Weight on labels (this value defaults to item unit weight if not populated).
  • As explained above, it is used in MMUR THC/CBD calculations, overriding the item unit weight only if it is set or updated.


  • Flourish Software does not send the package Unit Weight to METRC.
  • METRC uses the Unit Weight of the Item.
  • The only inventory level that matter is the quantity of the package.

Set the Unit Weight

Set the Unit Weight while creating packages.

Set the Unit Weight field for the packages you create in the "Confirm new package" screen when you are:

  • Creating a package.
  • Splitting a package.
  • Combining packages.
  • Creating a package from BOM.
  • Recording a manufacturing run output.

Basic Rules

Basic rules when creating packages from packages:

  • If the new package(s) is of the same item as the source package(s), the new package will inherit the Unit Weight of the source packages. You can edit this field when you create the package(s).
  • If the new package is of a different each based item than the source package(s), the new package(s) will not inherit the Unit Weight of the source package(s). The Unit Weight will default to the Unit Weight of the new Item in the item master. You can edit this field when you create the package(s).
  • If the new package(s) is a non-each-based item, no Unit Weight field will be available in the confirm packages screen.
Quick Video Tutorial

Update the Unit Weight

After you create a package with an 'Each' UOM, you can update the Unit Weight.

How did we do?

METRC - Discontinue package in METRC and Re-sync to Flourish

Refreshing Inventory Count Details
