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Reconciling E-Payments

Flourish can help you audit non-cash payments like CanPay, Aeropay, and Hypur. When auditing these payments, you can reference your external system, like the CanPay portal, to record any variances an…

Flourish can help you audit non-cash payments like CanPay, Aeropay, and Hypur. When auditing these payments, you can reference your external system, like the CanPay portal, to record any variances and reasons within Flourish.

Reconcile the e-payments per payment method.


Facility Payment Method Configuration

To enable reconciliation for a payment method at the facility:

  1. Go to Settings > Facilities > Configure > Payment Methods.
  2. Click Edit.
  3. Check the box next to Enable reconciliation against external system for the relevant payment method.
  4. Save your changes.

User Role Permission

Make sure that your user role has the Reconcile e-payments permission enabled.

You can find this in Settings > User Roles > Retail > Tills > Reconcile e-payments.

Reconciling E-Payments

  1. In Flourish, navigate to Retail > Tills > Reconcile E-Payments.
  2. Select the date from the date picker. The default is today's date.
  3. To skip the reconciliation of payment types, uncheck the box to the left of the payment's name.
  4. Enter the amount your e-payment portal shows in the field on the right.
  5. Repeat steps three and four for each e-payment method you want to record.
  6. When all payment types have been reconciled, click the Submit button.

Flourish reports do not currently display e-payment reconciliations.

POSaBIT - Manual

Reconciling POSaBIT - Manual payment is made by till.

The variances are recorded by till. However, flourish sums up the records to a store-level variance in the non-cash reconciliation records (which feed the COB report).

  1. Enter the total sales amount from each payment terminal at the store close in “TERMINAL TOTAL SALES.
  2. The form will Total those individual TERMINAL TOTAL SALES paid against the individual and Total sales for the numbers recorded for Total Sales in the POS.
  3. Submission:
    1. No Variance: Submit the numbers for entry to confirm, closing out reconciliation.
    2. Variance: If there is a variance, the form will present options to select a Variance Reason and enter notes to detail the variance for later review.
  4. The Till total, Variance Reason, and Notes are saved and viewable in system reports.

Aeropay - Manual

  1. Enter the amount the AeroPay - Manual Portal shows in the field on the right.
  2. Submission:
    1. No Variance: Click Submit to save the numbers for entry to confirm, closing out reconciliation.
    2. Variance: If there is a variance, the form will present options to select a Variance Reason and enter notes to detail the variance for later review.

Aeropay Variance

If the AeroPay - Manual Sales amount does not match the AeroPay - Manual Portal amount, Flourish will prompt a message and two more files to note the difference.

The message is, "A difference of $$$ has been identified. Please note the reason for the difference."

  1. Select from the dropdown the "AeroPay - Manual Variance Reason."
  2. Type the "* AeroPay - Manual Variance Note (250 characters max)"
  3. Click Submit.

Aeropay reconcile

Aeropay (not Flourish) has some unique elements for its portal that allow reconciliation on the Terminal.

Aeropay users can compare/map the "Terminal ID" in their Aeropay Portal to the Till in Flourish Software.

The columns for "Location Info" and "Location ID" can be used for Till/Register info. (So instead of having different location names, you could call it "Register 4"). You can also filter this dashboard by location ID to view only transactions that occurred at a particular register.

Variance Reasons

Follow the steps below to manage the Variance Reasons:

  1. Go to Settings.
  2. Select Retail.
  3. Select Retail Reasons.
  4. Select the Variance tab.
  5. Add Variance Reason:
    1. Click .
    2. Fill in the "* Reason Name" and "* Reason Code Abbreviation".
    3. Click Save.
  6. To Disable a Reason, toggle the ENABLED button 'Off'.
  7. To view the Disabled Reasons, click "Disabled". To reactivate the Reason, toggle the ENABLED button 'On'.

Variance example

How did we do?

Opening a Till

Creating Retail Reasons
