Retry sync - a case of invalid tag

Here's an interactive tutorial for the visual learners. 7 STEPS 1 The first step is to click on the "Out of Sync" red ic…

start iorad content - don't remove it

Here's an interactive tutorial for the visual learners


1 The first step is to click on the "Out of Sync" red icon.

Step 1 image

2 View the "Sync result".

View the "Context": "Tag.......... is not valid".

Step 2 image

3 Click The dropdown to select a new tag to attempt a sync to METRC. 

Step 3 image

4 Select  A tag.

Step 4 image

5 Click Retry.
Flourish Software will sync to METRC. 
Note the prompt about the packages added to the syncing queue. 
Click Dismiss.

Step 5 image

6 Refresh your Inventory screen.

Step 6 image

7 Verify the package is synced with METRC. In case the package is still out of sync, please reach out to and let us know the tag and the facility.

Step 7 image

start iorad content - don't remove it

How did we do?

Sync an Item from METRC

Troubleshooting Chrome Extension for METRC Transfers
