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Item Creation & Management

Flourish should be your source of truth for all cannabis/hemp and non-cannabis items; this is optimal for reporting and cost tracking as well as pushing one source of true inventory items and levels…

Flourish should be your source of truth for all cannabis/hemp and non-cannabis items; this is optimal for reporting and cost tracking as well as pushing one source of true inventory items and levels to outside systems (such as METRC, QuickBooks Online, or Leaflink). Create new items within Flourish under Manage Settings > Inventory > Items.

Certain characters are not allowed in user defined names in the application. These names are sometimes built into the URL within the application and thus specific special characters would break that. 

  • Group Names
  • Product Names
  • Dashboard Tabs

Only these characters are allowed: Alphanumerics 0-9, a-z, A-Z, and certain special characters $ - _ . + ! * ' ( ) ,

Examples of characters that are not allowed: / # &

NOTE: METRC customers should create their items within Flourish which will then create the item in METRC.
Refer to these live walkthroughs for more training as well:
Creating Inventory Items
Clone an Item to Create A New Item
NOTE: Certain fields within cannabis Items that have been synchronized to state tracking systems cannot be modified after initial entry. Any product that has already been used in a transaction such as Package Creation, Sales Order, Purchase Order, and the following fields cannot be modified: UOM, Source Type,

Recommended Item Naming Convention:

Rules (Product Info)





(REQUIRED + Toggle On/Off)


(REQUIRED) An item's class broadly indicates the type of item it is. For a cannabis item, the class might be Infused Edible, Buds, Shake/Trim, Plant, etc.


(REQUIRED) Category is a subset of an item's class that more specifically defines what the item is. For a cannabis item of class Infused Non-Edible, for instance, its category might be Topical, Transdermal Patch, etc.  

Strain Required

(Toggle On/Off) Toggle this on if every instance of this item in your inventory that must have a strain associated with it.


Do not select a strain if you would like to reuse this item for different strains, or if the item does not have a strain associated with it.

Single Unit

(Toggle On/Off) Toggle this off if you can group multiple units of this item in a single package. If toggled on, the item's unit of measure must be Each, and unit weight and weight UOM become required fields.

This flag is an important item attribute that will influence how the packages for this item are created and managed. 

Examples of when to set this Yes:

  • Quarter Pound Bag of Flower - you sell this at the package level

Examples of when to set this as No:

  • Pre-Rolls that can be sold in different quantities within a package


(REQUIRED) Unit of Measure(i.e. - ounces, each, gram, kilogram, gallon, ton, etc.)  If you select each, then the product will be sold as eaches. You are required to then put in the actual weight of the item using the appropriate Unit of Measure

Measurement Type

This will either be selected as volume or weight.

Unit Weight

(REQUIRED) If Each is selected, then you must put in the actual weight of the Item





This is the standard price for the item. This is the amount that will be auto populated on all invoices, and synced with any sales/e-commerce platforms. Flourish maintains full price history tracking of your item prices.

THC or CBD Dominant

 This is used to reflect THC or CBD dominance. If the ratio is 1:1 it does not matter which one is picked.


Source Type

(REQUIRED) This is used as the Source type when creating an inventory package from a Cultivation Harvest.  Each source type aligns with a column on either the Harvest or Processing log within the Cultivation Module.

  • Fan Leaf
  • Flower
  • Fresh Frozen
  • Mixed:  An item with a mixed source type cannot be used when packaging out of the harvest or processing log. This is useful when combining mixed source types within manufacturing or other inventory conversions post-harvest.
  • Popcorn
  • Trim
  • Whole Plant


Brands are a key attribute for any item in Flourish. They help you organize inventory, streamline reporting, and ensure smooth syncing with e-commerce platforms and marketplaces. Let’s set up a brand so you can get started!"SKU


A unique identifier for each item. The SKU serves as the primary key for integrations with external systems (e.g., POS, inventory tracking, and compliance platforms). Ensure this is unique across all items to avoid errors in tracking and reporting.

Retail Display Name

This is the name of the item displayed in Point-of-Sale (POS) systems or e-commerce platforms. Choose a name that is customer-facing, easy to understand, and descriptive for better clarity during sales.

Part Number

An optional identifier typically used for internal reference or supplier-specific tracking. Part numbers can help link the item to vendor catalogs, invoices, or purchase orders. Unlike SKUs, these are not required to be unique.


A detailed explanation or note about the item, such as its features, usage, or specifications. This field can provide clarity to team members or customers when viewing inventory or managing orders.


An optional image to visually represent the item in Flourish, e-commerce platforms, or POS systems. Upload high-quality images to improve item recognition and simplify inventory management.


If turned on, these fields will track/enable the described functions




(Toggle On/Off) This Item can be added to an outbound Sales Order

Lot Tracked

(Toggle On/Off) If an item is lot tracked, creating a package from this item will prompt the user to submit LOT info within package transformation screens.

Serial # Tracking

(Toggle On/Off)  Similar to lot tracking but typically used for items such as vape cartridge batteries and other similar items perhaps more prone to individual failure. Not normally used for cannabis products but can be

Needs Fulfillment

(Toggle On/Off) This is used in Retail POS. It is required to be on for Cannabis inventory that is tracked with a Package ID. It is optional, but recommended, for non-packaged tagged inventory. This allows the user to designate what location or lot to fulfil an order from.


(Toggle On/Off)

Expiry Date Required

(Toggle On/Off)

Shelf Life

This field is used in conjunction with the Flourish Monitoring and Analytics tools. If these fields are activated, they may be used as triggers to send alerts via email within the Monitoring and Analytics tools. 

Use by Date Required

This field is used in conjunction with the Flourish Monitoring and Analytics tools. If these fields are activated, they may be used as triggers to send alerts via email within the Monitoring module. 

Ship by Date Required

This field is used in conjunction with the Flourish Monitoring and Analytics tools. If these fields are activated, they may be used as triggers to send alerts via email within the Monitoring module. 

QA Required

This field is used in conjunction with the Flourish Monitoring and Analytics tools. If these fields are activated, they may be used as triggers to send alerts via email within the Monitoring module. 

SKU Variations

SKU VArtations are used to represent variations of the same base item. Classic examples are batch sizes, seasons and color.


UPCs are universal product code. For instance, let's say someone changes OEM of shirts but they are still red shirts, they will have different UPC associated with the "red shirt". This dialog allows a user to input these UPC for reference during ordering and inventory management exercises.

Tagging Functionality

See here


The standard cost for an item you are purchasing. This can be changed when you receive an inbound Purchase Order.


A standard selling price for the item. The price can be changed when you are creating outbound Sales Orders.


This contains multiple attributes for an e-commerce store, menu board or other customer facing application.


A configuration of attributes related to state compliance requirements for purchasing or limits of cannabis-based items. These attributes are often also used in e-commerce integrations.

Bill of Materials

A Bill of Materials (BOMs) is an easy way to keep track of Cannabis and non-cannabis inventory for all of your items. 

Here is a sample BOM for the item Blue Dream Topical 3oz


Item Name 




Blue Dream Bulk Machine Trim 

Blue Dream 

30 g 


Blue Dream Bulk Shake 

Blue Dream 

5 g 


Blue Dream Bulk Trim 

Blue Dream 

5 g 


Coconut Oil 

2.5 oz 


Lavender Essential Oil 

0.50 oz 


Peppermint Essential Oil 

0.25 oz 


Topical Jar (3oz) 


Blue Dream Topical 3oz  Label 


A mapping between Items and Vendors to show where they are commonly ordered from.

How did we do?

Creating a Custom Category
