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Quick Receive Non-Cannabis Inventory

Quickly receive Non-Cannabis inventory without creating a purchase order. Flourish creates a corresponding inbound order with a "Receiving complete" Status when completing the steps bel…

NIr Malchy
Updated by NIr Malchy

You can quickly receive non-cannabis inventory by using the Receive Non-Cannabis feature. 

Flourish creates a corresponding inbound order with a "Receiving complete" Status when completing the steps below.

Access this feature from multiple screens:

  • Inventory / All Packages
  • Inventory / All Inventory screens
  • Inbound
  • Inventory / Create Inventory from an Existing Bill of Materials (after selecting an item to create)
  • Manufacturing / New Process Run
  • Manufacturing / Process Run

Quick Receive Non-Cannabis Inventory

This example will receive the items via the Inventory / All Packages screen.

  1. Go to Inventory.
  2. On the All Packages screen, click this button
    to enter the "Receive Non-Cannabis Inventory" screen.
  3. Select the Vendor.
  4. Set the Received Date.
  5. Optional - the Note Title and Note Body - create the "Order Note" on the system-generated
    purchase order.
  6. You can create a new Item on some screens by clicking next to Non-Cannabis Items.
  7. Select from the dropdown of your Non-Cannabis Items to add the first order line.
  8. For each item, submit the details of the line.
    1. LOT NUMBER (Mandatory if the Item is Lot Tracked).
    2. QTY TO RECEIVE - Mandatory.
    3. TOTAL COST (pre-populates if you set a cost to the item in the Item Master).
    4. LOCATE TO (pre-populates if you Set Default Area upon receiving).
  9. To add another line of the same item with a different Lot Number, click . Click the X on the right side to remove the line:
  10. To add another item, click the . Click the X on the right side to remove the line:
  11. Click
  12. The process creates an inbound order with a "Receiving complete" Status.

Important to know

How did we do?

Inbound - Receive The Whole Purchase Order In One Click

Moisture Tracking
