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2021.10.19 Software Release 4.46.0


VERSION 4.46.0



  1. (METRC CA Only) Added ability to edit cultivation taxes on Inbound PO's


  1. Items - Increased decimal points for item pricing to 5 decimal points
  2. (METRC OH Only) - Added ability to create/edit items supporting item brands


  1. New Manifest Summary by Lot


  1. QBO - Display QB ID and Last Synced time for items, destinations, vendors, PO's, and outbound orders
  2. QBO - Item Price and Cost now updates when syncing existing items
  3. QBO - Added ability to map QB Chart accounts in the main Item Creation Screen


  1. Link to COA's from the POS Item Menu



  1. (METRC CA Only) Added ability to edit cultivation taxes on Inbound PO's

Flourish auto-calculates cultivation taxes on any incoming PO's for CA distributors and microbusinesses. You can see the auto-calculated cultivation taxes by clicking the Green Refresh Icon next to Est. Taxes at the bottom of the PO.

With this update, you can manually overwrite any taxes after Flourish auto-calculates them. This update allows operators that have different deals with their suppliers to edit the numbers and put the exact amount of taxes owed between the two parties. Open the Purchase Order in the Inbound screen, hit Edit, and you will be able to edit the tax on each line item.

See the process here.


  1. Items - Increased decimal points for item pricing to 5 decimal points

Now you can set the unit price of your items for up to 5 decimal points! You can do that on the item level in the Item Master under Manage Settings > Inventory. Or you can also do it on the order line level while in an Order in the Outbound module.

  1. (METRC OH Only) - Added ability to create/edit items supporting item brands

Flourish now supports syncing METC Item Brands. Here are detailed instructions on creating Items for METRC OH.


  1. New Manifest Summary by Lot

You can now download a summarized version of the Shipment Manifest that summarizes all the information by Lot instead of breaking it down by package ID. To access both versions of the Shipment Manifest, go to Outbound > Shipments > Action and select the version you are looking for.


  1. QBO - Display last synced time for items, destinations, vendors, PO's, and outbound orders

This one is a giant lifesaver! You can now see the Last Synced Timestamp on any Item, Destination, Vendor, Purchase Order, or Sales Order synced with QBO. This will save you a lot of time knowing which data elements you synced already.

You will see a 'QB Sync Info' column for Items, Destinations, and Vendors in the Manage Settings > Distribution or Manage Settings > Inventory > Items page.

To see the QB Sync Info for Purchase Orders and Sales Orders, you need to go to the Grid Settings popup by clicking the Grid Icon next to All Orders and enabling the 'QB Sync Info' column.

  1. QBO - Item Price and Cost now updates when syncing existing items

Flourish now supports sending Item Price and Cost updates to QBO. If an item is already synced to QBO and you update the cost or price of that item in Flourish and save it, Flourish will push the update to QBO.

  1. QBO - Added ability to map QB Chart accounts in the main Item Creation Screen

You can now configure the QB Expenses, Income, and Inventory Asset Accounts while creating or editing items in Flourish. You will see the Map Quickbooks Account section in the Item Master screen in Settings > Inventory.


  1. Link to COA's from the POS Item Menu

Another crowd pleaser! When you allocate packages in our POS, you can now access the associated lab results within the POS screen. Just click on the Lab Icon next to the package ID to access the uploaded results. Make sure to upload the Lab Results in the Web App to access them via this screen.

How did we do?

2021.10.05 Software Release 4.45.0

2021.11.02 Software Release 4.47.0
