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METRC - Out of Sync Strain

Re-sync an out of sync strain to Metrc.

If your strain is out of sync with METRC you will be unable to create plants or packages in Flourish using that strain.

Strains can go out of sync for a number of reasons, such as:

  • The user creating the strain lacks the required permissions in METRC
  • METRC's servers are slow/down.

Fortunately, Flourish has the ability to retry the sync to METRC for your strains. The following article will walk you through how to re-sync an out of sync strain.

Re-sync an Out of Sync Strain

  1. Navigate to Manage Settings

  1. Click Inventory, then Strains<All Strains

  1. Search for the out of sync strain and click Details
Use the Sync Status to filter for Out of Sync strains

  1. Click Compliance

  1. Click the Pencil In the SYNCED? column

  1. Click on Sync Now!
Click on the ? icon for details about why the strain went out of sync

  1. If successful, you will see In Sync in the SYNCED? column

What should I do in case I cannot fix the issue?

Email to  or reach out via the Support portal. Let us know the name of the strain that is out of Sync. If you have multiple facilities, please let us know what the relevant facility name is.

How did we do?

METRC Harvest - Retry Harvest Sync

Retry Sync - Case of "User not Authorized"
