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Alpine IQ: Flourish Profiles, Alpine IQ Signup & Redemptions

Summary. Flourish has developed a robust in-app experience for Alpine IQ features into the Flourish Retail / POS in an effort to make the integration seamless; driving efficient operations and provid…


Flourish supports a robust in-app experience for Alpine IQ within the Flourish Retail POS, which drives efficient, seamless operations and provides a streamlined experience for staff and customers.

Customer Intake & Profiles

Each customer record will have Loyalty Status featured next to their name throughout the POS and web (coming Phase 4). The displayed Loyalty Status allows the user to identify if a customer is linked to a profile in Alpine IQ at a glance and to click through for further actions.

Note: A customer needs to be linked to Alpine IQ to accumulate points, so please train staff to ask at check-in and when checking the customer out.

Loyalty Statuses

  • View Loyalty: Displayed for Loyalty Members with a mapped Alpine IQ Customer ID.
  • Loyalty Signup: Displayed for customers that are not loyalty members or have yet to have their Alpine IQ Loyalty Persona linked to their Flourish Customer Profile.

View Loyalty

  • Selecting "View Loyalty" will open the Loyalty Status modal, presenting to the clerk: the Badges, Available Points, and Available Rewards of the Loyalty Member.
    • The Loyalty & Marketing Communications link will open the model of the same name, detailed below.

Loyalty Signup & Updates

Select Loyalty Signup for customers who have yet to sign up to become Loyalty Members or those who have yet to link the Alpine IQ to their Customer Profile.

Set the attributes required for customer enrollment in the loyalty program. Learn more here.
New Members
  1. Upon selecting Loyalty Signup, the Loyalty & Marketing Communications modal will open. It will be pre-populated with contact info from the Flourish Customer Record.
Setting the attributes required for customer enrollment may change the text on the top. See this example:

  1. Verify with the customer their preferred communication methods to update their Flourish Customer Profile. Only communication methods checked under Register will be submitted to Alpine IQ for use with their Loyalty program. We highly recommend updating all Customer Profile information during this time.
  2. Check the Box under Alpine IQ Register for the communication methods the customer wishes to use with Alpine IQ.
  3. Check the box to verify the customer understands they are opting into the Loyalty Rewards Program.
  4. Clicking on Save & Submit will Save any updated communication methods to their Flourish Customer Profile and Submit the checked communication methods to Alpine IQ.
    1. Notes on the top of the modal remind the clerk to tell the customer the signup process for different communication methods.
  1. Upon selecting Loyalty Signup, Flourish will search Alpine IQ for existing Personas with the following matching attributes:
    1. "Personal" email.
    2. "mobile" phone.
  2. When a match is found, it will present matching option(s) to the clerk to link this existing Alpine IQ Persona to this Flourish Customer Profile or create a new loyalty account for this customer.
    False matches can occur due to incorrect customer information, duplicate customer information, and multiple uses of the same contact information in multiple profiles. Give extra care when matching Alpine IQ Personas to existing Customer Profiles.
  3. Selecting a matching profile and clicking Submit will update the Flourish Customer Profile with any new information from Alpine IQ not already in the Flourish Customer Profile and pre-check the communication method already registered.
  4. Selecting None of the suggested matches is correct. Create a new loyalty account, and clicking Submit will bring up a Loyalty & Marketing Communications modal to update and Register this profile for loyalty as detailed above.
  5. Unchecking Register next to Customer Contact Information WILL NOT de-register that Customer Contact Information from Loyalty. If the customer wishes to no longer receive contact via a particular communication method, it must be done directly with Alpine IQ via the desired communication to de-register:
    1. Phone: Replying "stop" to any loyalty text message
    2. Email: Using the unsubscribe
    3. Customer Support: Contacting Alpine IQ Customer Support:

Re-Map Loyalty Membership Profile

Sometimes, Alpine IQ incorrectly combines a new account with an existing loyalty member profile, causing the loyalty point totals to be incorrect.  To correct this, you can re-map the customer to the correct loyalty membership profile when viewing a customer's Loyalty Status.

Require PIN Prerequisite

If Require PIN Approval for Re-Mapping Flourish Customer to Alpine IQ Loyalty Member is enabled, then users must update the User Profile permissions in order to input ther PIN in order to re-map loyalty memberships. This can be enabled by:

Enabling in Alpine IQ Integration Preferences

  1. Click to go to Manage Settings.
  2. Click Integrations.
  3. Click the green pencil under Alpine IQ.
  4. Click Preferences.
  5. Toggle and click Save Preferences.

Enabling in User Profile Permissions

  1. Click to go to Manage Settings.
  2. Click User Roles.
  3. Click Point of Sale tab.
  4. Select the desired facility.
  5. Click the green pencil icon in the Configure column next to the desired user role.
  6. Toggle and click Save.

If the Require PIN Approval integration preference is NOT turned on in Alpine IQ, then no PIN is required to re-map a loyalty membership.

Re-Map Loyalty Membership
  1. Select "View Loyalty" from the Intake tab in the POS.
  2. Hover over the icon to bring up the text box.

  1. Click the green text 'check the customer's loyalty account mapping' to bring up the Select Loyalty Member Profile pop-up.

  1. If there are multiple profiles, select the correct loyalty member profile and then click Submit.
If None of the suggested matches is correct. Create a new loyalty account. is selected, user will be directed to create a new loyalty membership profile.
  1. If Require PIN Approval for Re-Mapping Flourish Customer to Alpine IQ Loyalty Member is enabled, user will then be prompted to input their PIN before proceeding.
  2. Success! You have re-mapped the correct loyalty membership profile to this customer.


In the POS: Loyalty discounts are only available to redeem from the "Loyalty" tab. The loyalty discounts are not available from the "Order Discounts" menu.

  1. POS Cart & Loyalty Tab:
    1. Non-Loyalty Members:
      1. When a customer who is not a loyalty member is added to the POS cart, the Product Search Tab will load first.
      2. Clicking on the Loyalty Tab, clerks will have a link for Loyalty Signup in the POS checkout.
  2. Loyalty Members:
    1. When a Customer who is a loyalty member is added to the POS Cart unless set otherwise, the Loyalty Tab is loaded first.
  3. The Loyalty Tab shows:
    1. Badges: Configurable by the operator based on order criteria.
    2. Recommended Products: Top 3 A.I. recommended products for that customer based on customer purchase history, Internet search history, and shopping history filtered by available items in that location. A great conversation starter that can be added with a single click.
    3. Flourish Discounts mapped to Alpine IQ: Dynamic list of Flourish Discounts mapped to Alpine IQ Discounts that can be available for that customer.
    4. The Redeem button next to each discount is dynamic, changing as available points and cart criteria change. This allows the clerk allows it to be added, and once added, then removed with a single click.
      1. A grey Redeem button, as pictured above, is not available to redeem. This is due to a lack of points, order criteria (e.g., total spend), or items in the cart not matching a discount (e.g., Product, Brand, Category, Tag).
      2. A green Redeem button, pictured below, shows the discount as available to redeem.
      3. Once applied, the green Redeem button changes to a red Remove button, showing the discount has been applied. Also, in the Loyalty section below the order subtotal, the Redeemed points have been increased by the point value needed to redeem.
      4. To remove the Discount, click the red Remove button, and it will be unapplied. The Redeemed loyalty points below the order subtotal will be adjusted down by the appropriate number of points.
    5. Once done adding items and discounts, Complete the Checkout Process as usual.
    6. After finalizing payments for the order, click Submit Payment. An order summary displays both transaction payment details and Alpine IQ Points redeemed.
    As noted above, while often quicker, it can take up to 4 hours for points earned and redeemed to update in Alpine IQ.
    Alpine IQ does not return points to a customer's wallet that were used for a purchase that is returned. If this is needed, staff will need to manually update points related to the Customers Persona in Alpine IQ.

Customer receipts

The POS prints two versions of receipts when the customer buys or returns. The difference is at the bottom of the receipts, one for loyalty members and one for customers who still need to register for the loyalty program. The two versions at the bottom of the receipts contain the data below:

Do you have a custom URL for the Alpine IQ member signup? Set your custom URL here.

Alpine IQ Loyalty members

Customers who are not Alpine IQ Loyalty members

The Alpine IQ Logo

The Alpine IQ Logo


"Loyalty points earned and redeemed from this transaction can take up to four hours to be reflected in your loyalty account. Scan the QR code below to check your Alpine IQ account details.”


”You're missing out on earning value loyalty points and promotions with today's purchase by not being a loyalty member. Scan the QR code below to sign up and start earning rewards today!

QR code:

Redirects the customers to log in to their Alpine IQ account.

QR code:

Redirects the customers to join Alpine IQ.



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Alpine IQ: Creating & Mapping Discounts
