Florida BioTrack Harvesting

Updated by Admin CG

This document is specific to the Florida BioTrack STS Integration for Flourish Software

This guide provides instructions on how to harvest within Flourish's Cultivation Module aligned with the Florida BioTrack system. Refer to the Florida BioTrack Propagation help document for instruction on how to create clones, plant tissue, and seeds as well as how to plant plants. Refer to the Florida BioTrack Cultivation Management help document on how to manage plants within the Cultivation Module.

Configuration Settings

Be sure to have these settings configured for the cultivation facility in Settings > Configuration. BioTrack accepts three "buckets" of weight: Flower, Other Material (Trim), and Waste.


The editable reference column is optional.


The editable reference column is optional.

Creating a Harvest

  1. Navigate to the Group within the Cultivation Module and use the "Harvest group" menu action to start this process. The "Create harvest" menu option is also available.
  2. Fill in the Create Harvest screen as appropriate
    1. Designate the Area that the plants will harvest into
    2. Confirm the Group that is being harvested
    3. Provide a Harvest Name. Flourish also supports harvesting into an existing harvest to combine groups.
    4. Choose the date/time for the harvest.
  3. View the Harvest in the Harvest Screen.
  4. Click the Calendar Icon to "Schedule" the harvest. On success the sync status will change from "Not Yet Synced" to "Synced."

Undo a Harvest

  1. Use the "Move back to Flowering stage" menu option to move the plants back and correct a mistake
  2. Acknowledge that this removes the harvest record and any wet weight logged. Please save this information offline is needed.
  3. View the group in Flowering

Submitting Wet Weights

  1. Navigate to the harvest
  2. Open the harvest log by clicking "Edit Harvest Wet Weight"
  3. Input the totals for the Strain
    1. Wet Flower Weight
    2. Wet Trim Weight
    3. Wet Waste Weight
  4. Click "Sync Harvest"
  5. View the warning that this is a final action in BioTrack.
    1. Strains that are already synced or in pending status may not be selected. Syncing plant wet weights with the state registry is final.
    2. Once they are recorded, they cannot be changed.
    3. For all selected strains, ensure the plant wet weights are complete and correct.
    4. Upon success, waste can be recorded against each strain individually.
  6. Select the strain(s) (they will turn green when clicked) and click "Proceed with Sync" to sync the wet weight(s) to BioTrack
  7. Waste goes directly into Flourish's Waste Log in Inventory. Navigate there to schedule destruction.
  8. Select the waste package ID and use the Action to schedule destruction
  9. Choose "Waste" and enter a note
  10. Mark this waste as destroyed after the 72-hour waiting period.

Harvesting Wet Biomass into Inventory

[Coming soon -- Fresh Frozen/Flash Frozen/Harvest Wet]

Logging Dry Weights and Curing into Inventory

After logging Wet Weights and letting the plants dry, BioTrack requires submitting the total dry weight(s) and then using the "cure" function to bring this into inventory.

  1. Move the Harvest to "Processing" in Flourish
  2. Click "View Harvest Dry Weight" to log the dry weight(s) against the plants in this Harvest
  3. Log the total weights for this harvest for each strain
    1. Dry Flower wight
    2. Dry Trim Weight ("Other Material" in BioTrack terms)
    3. Total remaining harvest waste
  4. Click "Cure" to finalize the weights. Confirm this action using the pop-up. This is a final action in BioTrack and can't be reversed.
  5. The weights are now finalized.
  6. View the totals in Inventory
    1. View the Flower and Trim ("Other Material") in the Harvest Packages grid
    2. View the Waste in the Waste Log. Use the Destruction Workflow to schedule and destroy the waste.
  7. Next, change the item name or create a "Lot Product" to make the inventory available for the next steps manufacturing or flower processing.

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