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2021.10.05 Software Release 4.45.0

VERSION 4.45.0 SUMMARY OF RELEASED ITEMS Major Update: Cash on Board. Updated Till, Vault and Sub-vault Management. Transfers. Vault Count. Reconcile E-payments. Inventory. Inventory Count - Add Expo…

VERSION 4.45.0


Major Update: Cash on Board

  1. Updated Till, Vault and Sub-vault Management
  2. Transfers
  3. Vault Count
  4. Reconcile E-payments


  1. Inventory Count - Add Export to Excel
  2. Packages - UX Improvement to edit lot numbers


  1. Leaflink - Update Ship Date regardless of the order status


  1. Added ability to download COA's as Zip Files


  1. Cash Balance Report
  2. Cash on Board Report
  3. Till Transaction Report
  4. Till and Vault Cash Movement Report


Major Update: Cash on Board

Please refer to this documentation for all COB actions and workflows: Till and Vault Management


  1. Inventory Count - Add Export to Excel

You can now export your Inventory count into an Excel spreadsheet. After starting an inventory count, click on the Export to Excel button and Flourish will save an Excel file into your desktop. You can apply filters and then click the Export button to filter down your results.

  1. Packages - UX Improvement to edit lot numbers

This is a crowd pleaser! Now when updating lot numbers on the All Packages grid, you will be able to stay on the same page and row instead of being redirected to the top of the first page. Bulk adding lot numbers to packages just got a lot faster!


  1. Added ability to download COA's as Zip Files

You can now download your COA's as compressed Zip files. So instead of getting one big PDF, you can now have separate PDFs in a compressed Zip folder. Just go into an outbound order, click the Export PDF Button, and select the COAs (Zip) option.


  1. Leaflink - Update Ship Date regardless of the order status

Flourish will now be able to update the Requested Delivery Date if the Ship Date is updated in Leaflink regardless of the order status.


  1. Cash Balance Report
  2. Till Transaction Report
  3. Till and Vault Cash Movement Report

How did we do?

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