Flourish Analytics - Getting Started

Updated by NIr Malchy

Discover Flourish Analytics with our introductory presentation. Use the arrows to browse pages.


Access Levels

User Role Access

Users need a role with 'View' permission for the 'Reporting' module under 'Analytics'.

If the user role had access to the previous Analytics platform, it would have "View" access to the Reporting.

Learn more about User Roles and Facility Permissions.

User Profile Access

On the User Profile, there are two separate access levels:

  • Company-wide reporting
  • General Access Levels

The access to company-wide reporting is stand-alone.

  • Company Wide Reporting
  • General Access Level

The General Access Levels below are for all the reporting the user has access to:

View Only

Access the content within Analytics. This is the default setting

Export and Share

Access these functions to export data and schedule reports to send to others.

Create and Edit

This permission enables users to "Save As" and edit content within the Analytics Module. Users with this permission can also Export and Share.

Dynamic Access

Flourish Software dynamically sets the user access in Sigma according to the access level above and the facility/company of their user role access.

For example:

  • The user is assigned to a User Role "Production Lead".
  • The User Role "Production Lead" does have access to 'Grow'.
  • The user cannot access "Facility Cultivation" or "Company Cultivation".

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