Creating Packages and Auto-Prompting Label Printing

Here's an interactive tutorial for the visual learners. 16 STEPS 1 The first step is to make sure your configu…

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Here's an interactive tutorial for the visual learners


1 The first step is to make sure your configurations are set up correctly. Navigate to Manage Settings from you drop-down Settings menu

Step 1 image

2 Click Configuration from the left side menu

Step 2 image

3 Make sure the Auto-prompt on create packages function is enabled. If you have multiple facilities, each individual facility configuration will need to be enabled.  

Step 3 image

4 Click Update

Step 4 image

5 Your settings have been updated! Click Back to Flourish

Step 5 image

6 Find the item you want to create a package from. Click Inventory from the left side menu.

Step 6 image

7 Find the line item of the item you would like to make a package from. Click Create Package

Step 7 image

8 Enter in the appropriate data to create a New Pacakge 

Step 8 image

9 Review the quantity of your new package 

Step 9 image

10 If everything looks good, click Use Requried Qty

Step 10 image

11 The Total Qty of New Packages and Total Input Qty should match. Click Review & Confirm

Step 11 image

12 Review all data for the creation of the new package

Step 12 image

13 If everything looks good, click Create New Packages

If the Auto-Prompting Label Printing settings is enabled, a new label will be automatically printed. 

Step 13 image

14 Your new smaller packages are available in your Inventory module. To view the ancestry of the newly created package, select the Action drop-down menu from the approrpiate line item and click See History

Step 14 image

15 Click the drop-down menu and click See Ancestry

Step 15 image

16 Your ancesty is now vieablw. Level 0 is the current smaller package, Level 1 is the original larger package. That's it. You're done. 

Step 16 image

start iorad content - don't remove it

How did we do?

Managing Non-Cannabis Inventory

Inherit Package Attributes
