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Setting Up Users for Mobile Access

Step-by-step guide. Navigate to the Admin Settings area of the web application (find the Manage settings option in the Hi, User! dropdown) The remainder of this guide assumes that you already have at…

Configuring Users for Mobile Application Access: Step-by-step guide

  1. Navigate to your Settings area of the web application (find the Manage settings option in the Hi, User! dropdown seen in the upper right hand corner)
    Click your name in the upper right to access "Manage Settings"
    The remainder of this guide assumes that you already have at least one mobile application user role created for the desired facility. If you do not have a mobile user role configured, or need to create a new role, then please click here to watch how to create a new mobile application user role.
  2. Select the Users section from the left side navigation menu. (If you do not have access to see or manage "Users" then please ask an Admin user at your company for assistance.)
  3. If you are creating a New User, then please click here to see how to set them up before proceeding to the next step.
    1. To update an Existing User, you may either choose Edit user in the "Action" dropdown menu for that user in the Company Users grid, or click their username and then click the "Edit" button when you arrive in the user detail screen.
      Edit an existing user
  4. Whether creating a new user, or updating an existing one, in order to assign and save a "Mobile" user role, you must click "Generate New PIN" in their Personal Info section.
    The generated PIN will be displayed only once, so please have the user save it in a secure area. The PIN is also emailed to the user's email address for reference later on if needed.
    If the PIN is lost or forgotten, it can be reset at any time by returning to this user detail screen and generating another one.
  5. Next, under Facility Permissions assign a "Mobile" user role that you have previously configured.
  6. Click "Save" in the upper right to apply the new user role configurations to this user. You should receive a message at the top of the screen stating "User updated successfully!"
  7. That is it! They should now be able to log in via the mobile application on their Android device with their username and password. Once inside the app, they can choose their facility (if you have assigned mobile roles for more than one) and then PIN in. Subsequent logins should only require their PIN unless they log out of the mobile application completely.

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Creating and Managing Users

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