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Enable Shipping Charges in QuickBooks Online

Why enable shipping charges in QuickBooks Online? As you know, you can add charges to your outbound invoices in Flourish Software. In QuickBooks Online, turn on the 'Shipping' on your sales from cont…

NIr Malchy
Updated by NIr Malchy

Why enable shipping charges in QuickBooks Online?

As you know, you can add charges to your outbound invoices in Flourish Software.

In QuickBooks Online, turn on the 'Shipping' on your sales from content. That enables Flourish Software sales orders that contain charges to sync to QuickBooks Online.

If you don't turn on the shipping in your QuickBooks Online, the order from Flourish Software that contains charges will sync without the charges.

How do I know if shipping charges need to be enabled?

When you sync your order to QuickBooks, you might encounter the following error:

Error returned from Quickbooks: Type: ValidationFault | Code: 6000 | Message: A business validation error has occurred while processing your request | Detail: Business Validation Error: Select a product or service

If you receive this error, you should follow the steps below to enable shipping charges.

How to enable shipping charges in QuickBooks Online?

Here is a quick video on how to enable the Shiping on your QuickBooks Online account:

Here is a quick peek at an account setting page in QuickBooks Online:

How did we do?

QuickBooks Online Sync Settings

Disconnect (Un-map) Items, Destinations and Vendors
