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Florida BioTrack Initial Inventory During 90 Day Conversion Window

BioTrack provides a 90 day window for initializing inventory to assist with the transition to the state traceability system. This document covers those details.

Admin CG
Updated by Admin CG
This document is specific to the Florida BioTrack STS Integration for Flourish Software

BioTrack provides a 90-day window to initialize inventory. During this window certain functions are available.

Flourish BioTrack Inventory Conversion

Flourish will push the following data to BioTrack

  • Users will be registered in BioTrack
  • Areas for all Florida locations
  • Drivers to use for manifesting
  • Vehicles to use for manifesting
  • Plants in Veg, Mother, Flowering, and for non-complete Harvests will get a BioTrack barcode ID
  • Harvest in Drying will register and wet weights will sync to BioTrack
  • Harvests in Processing will register wet weights and be ready to complete in BioTrack
  • Packages will receive a BioTrack barcode ID, with further details below
    • Items must be mapped to a BioTrack category
    • All packages must be Located to an area

End Products (Finished Goods) Pending Lab Results

BioTrack requires an associated lab test result for all inventory categorized as End Products in order to sync and receive a BioTrack barcode. Users will need to take these steps:

  1. Upload the COA and test result values. BE SURE THESE ARE CORRECT, AS WE CAN NOT CHANGE THEM LATER
  2. Push the packages to BioTrack using the package action menu
If there are a large number of packages for one batch number, please email the COA to support to push them all at once.

How did we do?

Florida BioTrack Inventory Count

Florida BioTrack Delivery Devices
