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Flourish Manufacturing Run Sync As METRC Processing Job

METRC Processing Jobs. All information here applies to states where Flourish manufacturing runs are synced to METRC as processing jobs. The METRC processing job is the way to create a production batc…

NIr Malchy
Updated by NIr Malchy

METRC Processing Jobs

All information here applies to states where Flourish manufacturing runs are synced to METRC as processing jobs.

  • The METRC processing job is the way to create a production batch based on various manufacturing processes. The processing job functionality allows the creation of multiple packages from the same inputs.
  • Use the Flourish manufacturing run to sync to METRC as a processing job.

METRC Access

To work with processing jobs in METRC, the user must have the access below:

Processing Jobs Page

  • Grids (req’d) - View
  • Inventory - Manage 

Admin Menu

  • Processing Job Types - Manage 

Basic terms

Flourish Software 


Manufacturing Run Types

Processing Job Type

Manufacturing Runs

Processing Job

Syncing Manufacturing Runs

We added the functionality and workflow below to enable you to sync manufacturing runs to METRC as processing jobs.

Sync Run Types to METRC
  1. Go to Settings.
  2. Select Manufacturing.
  3. Select the Facility from the dropdown.
  4. Select Run Type. The run types display with a sync status icon.
    Run Type Display
  5. Click the Sync from METRC button to sync processing job types from METRC into Flourish if they do not appear in the list. Flourish will also pull the processing job types in on the nightly sync.
  6. Click New Run Type to create and sync the Flourish run type to METRC. 
  7. To edit an existing run type and sync it to METRC, click on the NAME of the run type.
  8. When you Add Run Type or Edit Run Type, Flourish will open a modal to input/select all the necessary attributes to sync the run type to METRC as a processing job type:
  9. Click Save.

    The necessary attributes to sync the run type to METRC as a processing job type:

    • Enabled
    • Name 
    • Description 
    • Processing Steps
    • Job Type Category - select from the Dropdown
    • Job Type Attributes - select from the Dropdown

Sync Manufacturing Runs as METRC Processing Jobs

You can start a new Manufacturing Run once you have created a Machine and synced a Run Type. Follow the steps below:

  1. Select the Manufacturing Module.
  2. Select the Create New Run button.
  3. Note the new required fields:
    1. Run Name.
    2. Run Type - Select from the dropdown, displaying the sync status.
    3. Run Notes.
  4. Select Machine from the dropdown.
  5. Add your input package(s):
  6. Click Add Package and choose an available item from your existing Flourish inventory. Type in the item name or select it from the dropdown menu. The Inputs grid now shows a sync status icon.
  7. Add any non-cannabis inputs (if applicable) by clicking Add Item. Inventory allocations to the manufacturing run will be deducted when you complete the run. You can quickly inbound non-cannabis items here if you need to (click Receive Non-Cannabis).
  8. Enter optional run attributes such as Processing Duration (mins), Temperature (˚F), Pressure (psi), and more.
  9. Click Start Run.
  10. Click Save to start a new run while the current one is in progress, or leave this page and return later.
  11. Click the +Add Output button to record the new material created from this Run.
    1. Production Batch is automatically checked and cannot be unchecked.
    2. Choose the new item that has resulted from this run, such as "Crude Oil Extract," "Distillate," or any other item configured in your item master and available for selection in the dropdown. 
    3. Choose the strain, which is typically the same except in certain homogenized manufacturing run instances.
    4. Enter a quantity of new material that this run has produced.
    5. Confirm the created date/time.
    6. Choose an appropriate area for the new package and (optional) location within this area to store this new material. 
    7. Enter a Lot Number.
    8. Finally, enter any other optional attributes for this run and click Save.
  12. After entering all the data, you can click Save the run in progress to return to it later, or Complete Run if all the inputs and outputs are final.
  13. When you click Complete Run and Confirm:
    1. The data entered becomes final and is logged accordingly into your inventory. 
    2. Once done, you can no longer modify the run inputs and outputs.
    3. Flourish syncs the manufacturing run details to METRC as a processing job and displays its sync status in the All Runs grid.
    4. If the run is synced to METRC, you should see your new package(s) in sync in your All Packages inventory grid.

Sync of Manufacturing Runs
  • Flourish does not sync anything to METRC when you save a manufacturing run in progress.
  • Flourish syncs the processing job and packages to METRC immediately upon completing the run in Flourish.
Retry Sync
If the output packages fail to create in METRC, the manufacturing run will reflect an out-of-sync status.

You can see the sync status of the manufacturing run in two places:

The All Runs Screen

The Run Details Screen

Retry Sync of the Manufacturing Run by clicking the red out-of-sync icon.

When you retry the manufacturing run, Flourish will again attempt to:

  1. Create the processing job in METRC.
  2. Create the packages in METRC that were not successfully created.
  3. Handle updating and possibly finishing the input packages.
  4. Finish the processing job in METRC.


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