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Florida BioTrack: Retail POS User Guide

Florida BioTrack: Retail POS User Guide

Admin CG
Updated by Admin CG
This document is specific to the Florida BioTrack STS Integration for Flourish Software

Key Points to Remember

  • Any user completing or modifying (void/return) a retail sale must be registered with the MMUR
  • Once Flourish is integrated with BioTrack STS, MMUR access is READ ONLY. There is NO manual dispensation outside of the Point of Sale.
  • Dispensation happens through the BioTrack STS. Flourish submits the sale to BioTrack, and BioTrack submits the data to the MMUR.
  • BioTrack dispenses against the MMUR using the "BioTrack Med Usable Weight" field. The lab populates this data point during testing. Flourish syncs the data into the system with the COA. You can view this data using Flourish's analytics module.
    • Report: BioTrack Inventory Details for MMUR Dispensation
  • All retail sales are validated prior to checkout. If a user leaves the cart, Flourish will prompt to re-validate at check out.

Customer Creation

The following data is required to create a "valid" customer to sell to:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Date of Birth
  • State Registry ID: Florida Medical Card Number
  • State Registry ID State: Florida
  • State Registry ID Expiration: Put this in
    • NOTE: Flourish will populate and update this using data from BioTrack going forward


Scan inventory to the cart.

View Registry Information

Click the "View State Registry" text at the top of the cart to see open orders, routes, and available milligrams/ounces.

Add a Caregiver

  1. Click "Add Caregiver" at the top of the cart
  1. Flourish will query BioTrack and retrieve the list of eligible caregivers. Choose the correct one, if required.
  1. Observe the Caregiver once selected. Modify if needed.

Validate the Cart

Click "Validate" to check out. Click "Proceed" and proceed to "Pay" if the validation succeeds.

Sync Status

Observe the BioTrack Sale ID in the sales history to see that an order successfully synced to the state system. There is also a confirmation message that will appear at checkout.

Exception Handling

Refer to this guide: Florida Biotrack Retail Returns, Restocks, and Voids - Flourish Software

How did we do?

Florida BioTrack: Kief SOP

Flordia BioTrack: Retail Fulfillment User Guide
