How to Bulk Destroy Plant IDs

Here's an interactive tutorial for the visual learners. 8 STEPS 1 The first step is to open Flourish Software and navigate to your C…

start iorad content - don't remove it

Here's an interactive tutorial for the visual learners


1 The first step is to open Flourish Software and navigate to your Cultivation module. Select Inventory from the left side menu. 

Step 1 image

2 Select Plants from your top ribbon 

Step 2 image

3 Click All plants

Step 3 image

4 Click Action

Step 4 image

5 Click Bulk destroy

Step 5 image

6 Upload the .csv file of the Plant IDs you wish to kill. 

Step 6 image

7 Click Destroy plants

Step 7 image

8 Congratulations! You have successfully bulk uploaded and destroyed multiple Plant IDs.

Step 8 image

start iorad content - don't remove it

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