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My Item Synced to LeafLink Incorrectly

Flourish syncs a lot of product information to LeafLink. If you find that some of it isn’t coming over correctly, check out these quick tips.

Flourish syncs a lot of product information to LeafLink. Whether it's the product line, unit of measure, price, or category, if you find that some of it isn't coming over correctly, we've got a solution. Check out these quick tips below.

If your inventory levels don't match in Flourish and LeafLink, check out this article.

Update the Product Line

The product line is what appears under the item name in LeafLink. If it’s not set in Flourish, LeafLink will select the first available product line.

Update the product line in Flourish to overwrite it in LeafLink.

  1. In Flourish, navigate to Settings > Inventory > All items.
  2. Search for the item name or SKU.
  3. Click the item name, then click on Ecommerce on the left ribbon.
  4. Click Edit, then enter a product line in the Product Line field.
  1. When you’re done, click Save to save your changes.
  2. Then sync the item by navigating to Settings > Integrations > LeafLink > Item Sync.
  3. Enter the name of your item in the search bar and click Sync Now to sync the product line to LeafLink.

Check out the Category

If you expect your item to have one category but it has a different one in LeafLink, you may have your category Flourish mapped to a different category in LeafLink.

  1. In Flourish, navigate to Settings > Inventory > All items.
  2. Search for the item by entering the name or SKU in the search box.
  3. Copy the name of the category of the item.
  4. Navigate to Settings > Integrations > LeafLink > Categories.
  5. Using your browser’s search feature (ctrl or ⌘ + F), search for the item’s category.
  6. The LeafLink category should match the item’s category in LeafLink.

Need to Update the Category Mapping?

Don't sweat it — this is changeable, and it's pretty easy too!

  1. In Flourish, navigate to Settings > Integrations > LeafLink > Categories.
  2. Using your browser’s search feature (ctrl or ⌘ + F), search for the item’s category.
  3. Click the dropdown and select the correct category for Flourish and/or LeafLink.
  4. When you're done, click Save in the right-hand corner.

Sync the Item After Updating the Price

After you edit an item’s price in Flourish, you need to sync the item to update the price in LeafLink. You can update the price in LeafLink in one of two ways: edit and save the item or sync the item manually.

Edit and Save

  1. In Flourish, navigate to Settings > Inventory > All items.
  2. Search for the item name or SKU.
  3. Click the item name, then click Edit.
  4. Without making any changes, click Save.

Sync it Manually

  1. In Flourish, navigate to Settings > Integrations > LeafLink > Item Sync.
  2. Enter the name of your item in the search bar, then click Search.
  3. Click on the Sync Now button on the right-hand side of the grid.

Check the Unit of Measure

Flourish can convert your items’ unit of measure to a different one for LeafLink. If you see a different unit of measure on both platforms, check out how they were mapped on the Integrations page.

  1. In Flourish, navigate to Settings > Inventory > All items.
  2. Search for the item by entering the name or SKU in the search box.
  3. Copy the name of the UOM of the item.
  4. Navigate to Settings > Integrations > LeafLink > UOM Conversion.
  5. Using your browser’s search feature, search for the item’s UOM.
  6. The LeafLink UOM should match the UOM of the item in LeafLink.

Still Need Help?

Please contact the support team and let us know the following:

  • The name and SKU of the item in Flourish.
  • The UOM/Category/Price/Product that appears in Flourish.
  • The UOM/Category/Price/Product that appears in LeafLink.

How did we do?

My Item Won't Sync with LeafLink

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