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Inbound Module Overview

Inbound Module Overview. Before any item can be apart of your inventory it must be received into your system. The Chain of Custody (COC) with all items both cannabis and non-cannabis starts with the…

Admin CG
Updated by Admin CG

Inbound Module Overview

Before any item can be apart of your inventory it must be received into your system. The Chain of Custody (COC) with all items both cannabis and non-cannabis starts with the inbound module. Here you will create Inbound Purchase orders and populate them with line items of all of the inventory you are receiving by vendor.

Metrc Clients will use the "Transfer Feature" in conjunction with Purchase Orders.. Since all incoming cannabis brought into a licensed facility gets transferred to you from another licensed facility in Metrc, that information gets synced down into flourish via the transfer tab. When on the Metrc system, this will account for all cannabis transfers.

In the "Inbound Module" create an order by vendor, items you expect to receive, the ordered amounts and the costs. There are also fields to upload attachments for any documentation you may have received with the product. This is where the (COC) begins. There is a place for an ordered date as well as a delivery date. This is utilized for fulfillment departments who make orders either over the phone or by email.

Once the product you ordered or entered in has arrived, you then go to the right side of the line item and receive it into inventory. Fill out the attributes for each item and delineate how many packages will hold the amount of product listed on the line item, and apply lot codes, areas and locations.

This product will then be received into inventory after all of the line items are complete.

Metrc Clients will receive new cannabis inventory via "transfers". This inventory will automatically populate into the inventory with the appropriate METRC package ID number. You will then update the cost of the package in the inventory screen by clicking in the location where the cost would populate and typing in the cost "on the fly". (Metrc Clients will still use the inbound purchase order function for non-cannabis items.)

Inbound Module Navigation

The Inbound Module allows you to receive inventory into your facility. Once items are received, Flourish automatically updates your inventory with the incoming items. Items that you will sell must also be Unlocked. All Inventory management is done in Flourish Web.

These settings are used for inbound and outbound modules and define origin and endpoints for your product movement.




Dropdown menu of Action items for Inbound Purchase Orders

  • Close Purchase Order: Mark fully received purchase orders as complete
  • Edit Purchase Order: Add, delete, or modify line items in purchase orders. Receive items into inventory. Upload pdf attachments such as invoices and proof of delivery
  • PO Audit Log: See timestamps and user logs of all data related to the Purchase Order, like when items were received into inventory. 
  • Re-order: Re-order commonly placed Purchase Orders, like standing wholesale deliveries and exit-bag supplies
  • View Purchase Order:  Quickly view all line items in a Purchase Order


Filter view columns. Deselect 'Closed' in Status column to remove Closed Purchase Orders from the landing page for a cleaner view.


Navigate between Purchase Orders and Inbound Transfers from your in-company Cultivation, Manufacturing, and Distribution facilities. 


Quick search of Purchase Order ID and Vendor


Create Purchase Orders of Cannabis items and Non-Cannabis supplies and export PDFs to vendors.

Purchase Orders

Purchase Orders are for all non-cannabis items only if the client is aligned with METRC. If the client is a Non-METRC client, they will be able to view cannabis and non-cannabis items within orders created. A user can view this functionality through the Inbound Module and navigate to the Purchase Orders Submodule. See more here.

Filtering POs  

Flourish lists all POs in the Purchase Orders submodule. By default, POs appear in order of most recently updated. To view all POs, select Purchase Orders>All purchase orders. The columns above the list are filters that allow you to sort the list. 

You can customize the columns to be included in the list using specific column heading and rearrange the order of columns .   

From the Purchase Orders Grid you can rearrange the order of the columns by dragging the columns. You can change which columns are shown by turning them on or off using the radio buttons. Green indicates the column will appear in the list.  

The Columns are described below: 




This is the number assigned to a PO by the integrated Accounting Module.  

PO Status 

The current state of a PO. See table below for options. 

Vendor Name 

Specific Vendor Name as it appears on the PO. 


Date PO was created. 


Date PO was modified. 

Last Updated By 

Date last user updated PO. 

Inbound Transfers (METRC)

For METRC clients, Transfers are enabled, and purchase orders will be used only for items not in METRC. The synced transfers from METRC will be visible for customer on the grid view. If you are a NON-METRC client, transfer will be disabled, and you will have access to your purchase orders through the purchase order Submodule. The grid view can be found through the Inbound module and Purchase Orders Submodule. See more here.

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Inbound Purchase Orders
