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Mobile App Inventory: Take Lab Sample

Creating a lab sample from the mobile app is about as simple as it gets. Once the lab sample is created you will see the beaker icon next to the package. Permissions Required: Mobile Application > In…

Creating a lab sample from the mobile app is about as simple as it gets. Once the lab sample is created you will see the beaker icon next to the package.

Permissions Required: Mobile Application > Inventory > Take lab sample

Manually create a Lab Sample.

  1. Navigate to the Inventory Module
  2. Select a package from the list of packages
  3. Pick Take a Lab Sample
  4. Enter the quantity of the Lab Sample package and lot number.
  5. METRC users: Select a package tag from the available list of tags

Scan to create a Lab Sample.

  1. Navigate to the Inventory Module
  2. Select the scanner icon
  3. Pick Take a Lab Sample
  4. METRC users: Select a package tag from the available list of tags

This action differs from the web in that you can only create one lab sample package at a time.

How did we do?

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