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Creating New Outbound Orders

New outbound orders can be used to record movement of wholesale inventory out of a facility to another location. These orders may be referred to as a Sales Order, Distribution Order, Transfer Order,…

Admin CG
Updated by Admin CG

New outbound orders can be used to record movement of wholesale inventory out of a facility to another location. These orders may be referred to as a Sales Order, Distribution Order, Transfer Order, etc.

Click here for Outbound Orders Discounts And Charges Deep Dive.

Follow these steps to create a New Outbound Order

  1. Click Outbound from the left side menu
  2. Click the green Create New Order button
  3. Enter in the following details
    1. Created Date: Today’s date. The date you are creating the Outbound order
    2. Customer PO: Customer specific purchase order number. This can be unique to your facility.
    3. Sales Rep: The Sales representative initiating the outbound purchase order. Sales reps will need be set up in advance. Navigate to Manage Settings, Distribution, Sales to add new Sales Reps
    4. Distributor: Select the distribution company you are using. Leave blank if this is not applicable. Distribution companies will need to be set up in advance. Navigate to Manage Settings, Distribution to add a new distribution company.
    5. Destination: Select the destination of the outbound purchase order. Destinations will need to be set up in advance. Navigate to Manage Settings, Distribution, Destinations to add a new destination.
    6. Requested Delivery Date: When the delivery should be made to the destination. Initiating new outbound purchase orders ahead of delivery dates ensure that the necessary products are allocated and saved for customers and ensures an uninterrupted supply chain.
    7. Optional: Ref Field 1, Ref Field 2 : Use these reference fields to record any necessary data. These fields are optional and can be left blank.
  4. Terms: Select the appropriate payment term for this customer.
  5. Click Start Order
  6. Under Order Detail, click +Add New Detail
  7. Under Item Name, select the item you wish to add to the purchase order from the drop-down menu. Note, each item has the available quantity on hand in parenthesis next to the item name.
  8. Select the Strain from the drop-down menu
  9. Enter in the Qty. Ordered
  10. Adjust the Unit Price
  11. Under Actions, click the two-way arrow icon to allocate packages to this purchase order
  1. Select the appropriate packages to allocate
  2. Click Update Allocation
  3. Click Save
  4. Two PDFs have automatically been generated. To view your Packing List PDF and Invoice PDF, select the options using the drop-down menu located under the Order Total

How did we do?

Display Unit Cost and Total Cost when allocating packages to an outbound order.

Configuration: Only Show Items with Available Quantity
