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Grow / Cultivation Overview

Cultivation (Grow) Process Summary. The Grow module is used for managing the entire cultivation process. In Grow we track plants from propagation (Clone, Seed, or Tissue Culture) through harvesting a…

Cultivation (Grow) Process Summary

  • The Grow module is used for managing the entire cultivation process. In Grow we track plants from propagation (Clone, Seed, or Tissue Culture) through harvesting and packaging. Clones are generally tracked by grouping. Multiple plants and multiple strains can exist in one group, but no one plant can exist in multiple groups.
  • Once a plant has entered the "Vegetation" phase of the plant lifecycle, it becomes traceable by its individual ID. This will either be an ID originated within Flourish or by an ID tied to a state tracking system.
  • You can make data entries and log actions for whole groups the Grow Module, but actions for individual plants can be made as well.
  • Once plants have completed the "Flowering" phase of the plant lifecycle, and are ready to be harvested, they will then be put into a harvest batch. This can vary from the original group (In the event that you want to harvest some plants from one group with some plants in another group) or you can just harvest the whole group together.
  • The plants are moved into the "Drying" phase where the wet weights of each individual plant are usually recorded. Post that stage, the plants are promoted to the "Processing" phase, where dry whole, flower, and trim weights can be recorded by the container level.
  • After harvest, all plants will fit into one of four categories: Trim, Flower, Whole Plant, or Waste. Once the plants are separated into these categories, they will be separated into lots called "Harvest Packages". Harvest Packages are bulk amounts of product. These packages can range in size and weights according to internal organization and lot restrictions for testing.
  • Once the plants have been converted into a "Harvest Package" they will be populated into inventory and no longer in the "Grow" Module.

Cultivation Items


Item Name




Immature cuttings are taken from a mother plant 






Large vegetative plant that never flowers.  Mother plants can be taken from established vegetative plants and placed back into the propagation zone. Clones can be taken from mother plants. A fully mature mother plant can produce an average of 80 clones per cloning session, depending on the specific strain. 


Veg Plant 

Rooted clone/seedling over 7 inches tall. This number may change state to state. Cannabis plants usually follow 4 weeks of vegetation, 9 weeks of flowering. 


Flowering Plant 

Established veg plant that is now producing bud sites (usually week 4 of the plant life cycle, photoperiod changed from 18 hours of light to 12) 


Harvest Plants 

Flowering plants that have finished their plant development and have been taken out of production to be put into a drying room. This is usually done after week 8 or 9 of the flowering cycle 


Dried Bud 

Fully dried plants that have had their large fan leaves removed and are separated from their stalks. Plants can take up to two weeks to optimally dry and cure.  

Grow Module Definitions


Propagation is the beginning of the life cycle for cultivation. New plants can be created from seeds, or taken as clones from established vegetative or Mother plants.

Follow these steps to Create a Clone

  1. Select Grow icon from the left side navigation
  2. Click the dropdown menu button under Clone 
  3. Click Create Plants

Enter valid values for all fields below

Clone Room –

Select the desired room from the auto-filled drop-down list

Strain –

Select a strain type from the auto-filled drop-down list

Source –

Select from Mother GroupVeg Group, or Seed

Mother Group

Veg Group


Select this source if you are taking clones from an established Mother plant.

Select this source if you are taking clones from established Vegetative plants

Select this source if you are starting with new genetics from seed

Select appropriate Mother Group

Select appropriate Vegetative Group


Enter the total number of clones

Enter the total number of clones

Enter the total number of seeds

  1. Assign to group –



Select this group if you are creating a brand new group of clones

Select this source if you are adding these clones to an already created group of clones

Enter in unique New Group Name

Select group from the dropdown menu

  1. Select a valid date and time from the calendar.
  2. Select I Already Have Plant IDs or Generate New Plant IDs
  3. Repeat this process to create more plants as needed.

Non-METRC States: Select a plant group. See the menu option to log waste against this group. 


Vegetation is the next phase after Propagation or Cloning. Plants at this phase are considered Immature Plants, in that they do not exhibit bud site production. In METRC states, plants at this phase do not require single plant IDs, although this function is available within the Flourish Software platform. Benefits of tagging every plant in the Vegetative Phase include reducing the risk of mislabeling strains which might disrupt your downstream supply chain. It is best to confirm with your Cannabis regulatory organization the specifics of compliance reporting at this stage. 

Well rooted Vegetative plants can also be retagged and moved back into the Propagation/Nursery as established Mother Plants. Users can also access the following functionality from the Vegetation Submodule:

  • Filter via room, strain, etc.
  • View groups and plants in vegetation
  • Move plants through various cycles


Plants are moved to the Flowering Phase when they exhibit bud site production or "Flowers". At this stage, Flourish users can view data such as days in flowering, survival rates, and total plants. Users can also record waste against specific plant groups, as well as record plant journal notes. 


After the Flowering phase, the next phase in production is to harvest the plants and record the wet weights. These functions can be accomplished in the Drying module in Flourish Software. Users can view the individual plants and harvest details in drying. As soon as the plant is cut, users can enter/record wet weight per plant and open a harvest log. In the harvest log, users can view harvest, stain, plant ID and record wet weight. Users can activate the harvest in METRC after all wet weights have been entered. Users can also use the mobile app to input wet weights. Users can view the following data in this Submodule:

  • Days in drying
  • Total plants harvested
  • Avg wet flower weight
  • Wet whole weight
  • Wet flower weight
  • Wet trim weight
  • Wet waste weight
  • Total wet weight
  • Status if synced with METRC


Processing refers to the recording of dry weight and getting ready for packaging bulk flower, bulk trim, or bulk shake into consumable or sellable packages. 

Users can create and assign tags to a package from their harvest. Users can add and record dry whole, flower, trim and waste weight in the harvest log. Users can view the following:

  • Harvests in processing
  • Completed harvest
  • Plants in processing
  • The date the harvest was moved to processing
  • Number harvested
  • Harvested flower weight, trim weight and waste weight
  • Remaining flower and trim weight

Harvest Packages

Harvest packages are used to separate different cannabis plant categories for several reasons. Throughout this Submodule users can create, review and confirm new packages from harvests that have been processed. Users can decide which specific storage location they would like house their packages/inventory items. Users can choose METRC package tags to track new packages. Users can also print custom bar code tags with (strain, weight, harvest name) included on the tags. Users have access to the Harvest Packages Grid, which allows them to view and filter via the following:

  • Package ID
  • SKU Name
  • Origin Harvests
  • Status
  • Qty
  • UOM
  • Strain
  • Source
  • Pkg Timestamp

When users navigate to the action dropdown on the Harvest Packages grid, they will have the following functionality:

  • Adjust package qty
  • Create a lab sample
  • Record a lab sample
  • Print Package Tag
  • Locate Package
  • Mark as a sample

Cultivation Waste

Certain states have specific requirements for logging and managing waste during cultivation. This page provides documentation on logging waste in Flourish throughout the cultivation process. All cultivation waste is recorded on the Waste Log (Inventory >  Plants > Waste Log). Here it can be marked as disposed or canceled if logged in error.

Cloning Phase / Immature Plant Batches

Non-METRC States: Select a plant group. See the menu option to log waste against this group. 

Vegetative Phase

Non-METRC States: Select a plant group. See the menu option to log waste against this group. 

Flowering Phase

Non-METRC States: Select a plant group. See the menu option to log waste against this group. 

Harvest (Wet Waste)

Non-METRC States: Record waste in the "Wet Waste Wt" column on the harvest log in Drying.  

Harvest (Final Waste)

Non-METRC States: Record waste in the "Dry Waste Wt" column on the harvest log in Processing. 

How did we do?

Entering in Dry Weights
